Nhờ sửa bài giúp

Văn bản từ Cooldy - English

  • IV.University ( last part)

    • (Hi everyone, please pay attention to this text, it's really important for me :) I'd like to thank you if you could able to correct it.) Some student are financially helped in them studies by stock exchanges(scholarships) .
  • We studied a text which describes the situation of Jojo a basketball star.
    • He has been admitted at university thanks to his sports results(profits).
    • Jojo is intelligent , clever , bright but he is lazy .
    • He starts worrying about fundamental choices for his future life .
    • So he has got to do academic classes .
    • Sometimes people does Jojo's homework to help him and also because he's an athlete.
    • For athlete , people are coach and teachers because of his sportive statut .
    • It means that Sport is more important than academic classes for this kind of persons .
  • Finally sometimes universities change the students.
  • We studied a text where is to detail the chronology of a student and the reaction of his close relations.
  • In 16 months, he wanted to change orientation.
    • His clothing style had change as well as his attitude.
    • About his parents they remark that he became open minded , an became more mature .
    • Thus, university is very renowned in United States but it's not really advantageous to the students who have to pay off their students debts during several years.

Xin hãy chỉnh sửa từng câu giúp tôi! - English