
متن از Chorypia - English

    • love letter

    • Today is a different day.
    • The sun came up by whest like yesterday and the birds was chirping in the trees of my Street, but anything is same yesterday as.
    • The only different with the last day is in my mind.
    • The last night I had a terrible nightmare.
    • I fell in my heart that you come out of my life.
    • It has never been the most painful in my life.
    • When I left this horrible dream, I was thinking how can’t delete this picture of my brain?
    • I don’t know, but I’ve been trying to find out all morning without succes, so I decided to try find out why I can’t doing anything without to imagine that you are next to me.
    • “If you like someone for her body, it isn’t love, it is desire.
    • If you like her for her intelligence, it is admiration… But if you don’t know what is the reason why you like her.
    • You are in love.” This proverb could be applied to me with some exceptions.
    • I love looking at you.
    • Your face, your eyes, your mouth, avery centimeter of you body is really amazing.
    • Moreover I also love your intelligence.
    • You are a person that highlights when somebody see you, but surprise when you speak.
    • So far I can explain because I came near toy you.
    • The problem was that I fell in love with you.
  • I desire you, I admire you and I love you.
    • I love spend my time with you, we always laugh and have fun times.
    • I woke up every day with a smail in my face because you are my first thinking, but this mornig was different.
    • As I said you before, I’ve had a nightmare when you left me forever.
    • The contemplation of this posibility has provocated in me a strange thing.
  • I’ve come to a conclusion.
    • What I fell for you is true love!

لطفا کمک کنید تا هر جمله تصحیح شود - English