
متن از EDMOLHE - English

    • Day 2: Running into a friend for not to do anything

    • I planned for today to do many things in the morning, for instance, asking at my university for the workers schedule on vacation, studying for my English test, filling out an application for the visa and finishing my thesis article...
    • But when I arrived to the university I ran into a friend, and both were going to the administrative building for asking somethings, because of we didn't see us since a long time, I asked my question and then I accompanied her to Human Resources for asking about her last jobs at the university.
    • Next that she invited me to take a breakfast , after a while she asked for accompanying to a place out of the university to deliver documents, when we came there was a big line for entering, for that reason we decided to go back to the university.
    • All my plans couldn't be done in the morning but at least I preserve a great friendship.

لطفا کمک کنید تا هر جمله تصحیح شود - English

  • عنوان
  • جمله 1
    • I planned for today to do many things in the morning, for instance, asking at my university for the workers schedule on vacation, studying for my English test, filling out an application for the visa and finishing my thesis article...
      رای دهید!
    • Today I planned for today to do many things in the morning, for instance, asking at my university for the workers schedule on vacation, studying for my English test, filling out an application for the visa and finishing my thesis article...
    • یک تصحیح جدید اضافه کنید - جمله 1یک تصحیح جدید اضافه کنید - جمله 1
  • جمله 2
    • But when I arrived to the university I ran into a friend, and both were going to the administrative building for asking somethings, because of we didn't see us since a long time, I asked my question and then I accompanied her to Human Resources for asking about her last jobs at the university.
      رای دهید!
    • But when I arrived ato the university I ran into a friend, and both of us were going to the administrative building for asking somethings, because of. As we didn't see useach other since a long time, I asked my question and then I accompanied her to Human Resources department for asking about her last jobs at the university.
    • یک تصحیح جدید اضافه کنید - جمله 2یک تصحیح جدید اضافه کنید - جمله 2
  • جمله 3
    • Next that she invited me to take a breakfast , after a while she asked for accompanying to a place out of the university to deliver documents, when we came there was a big line for entering, for that reason we decided to go back to the university.
      رای دهید!
    • NextAfter that she invited me to take ahave breakfast , a. After a while she asked for accompanying her to a place out ofside the university to deliver documents, w. When we camewent there, there was a big line for entering, and for that reason we decided to goreturn back to the university.
    • یک تصحیح جدید اضافه کنید - جمله 3یک تصحیح جدید اضافه کنید - جمله 3
  • جمله 4