
متن از Brocky - English

  • My last piece of paper.

  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
  • Children should be required to help with household tasks as soon as they are able to do so.
  • Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  • Parenting is one of the most important things for children to get.
    • Due to the rapid increase of demands in many aspects in life which causes some people to think that young adults should help the in the house, so they could help their parents with different activities in the house.
    • In my humble opinion, children should take part of responsibility in their homes for two reasons.
    • Firstly, it would prevent them from focusing on their studies to score well in their exams.
    • It would also interfer with their skills developement as they tend to increase their knowledge about their field of studies and professional careers.
    • For example, when I was attending secondary school, many students of mine had problems with concentrating on their studies, it was not easy for them to cooperate between two things in their lives.
  • They had even to stop schooling, and focus on helping their parents, or they would make constant conflict with them in order to survive in their learning process.
    • Unfortuantely, the majority of them dropped their classes due to the charge they had between studies and home's activities.
  • These poor students would have avoided this tragedy if their dads and moms thought about the consequences that would result from their greed and hunger for money.
    • It is a shame for people to destroy the future of their young kids just because they could not raise a family properly.
    • As you can see, it's much better for young adults to focus on their studies in order to gain bright future.
  • Secondly, taking part of the household activities would prevent children from enjoying their time with their friends.
    • Instead for them to travel and experience the world, many kids would spend their time sitting in home and looking after irrelevant tasks that can be done by the eldery member in the family.
    • This would cause a gap in the relation between the parents and their kids, and they would hold gradge against them due to the fact that they would think that their parents used them only for their interests and did not have any love towards them.
    • After the young children grown up, they would not have respect towards their family, and would leave them as soon as they could.
    • Which is going to cause destruction to the family, and thus would affect the entire society as a whole.
  • To conclude, many people believe that young adults have the right to study and have the freedom to choose what they do whereas others think that it would be better for children to take part of helping their families with the household tasks.
    • I prefer that I would have my freedom because I would not only enjoy my time with my friends but also I would concentrate on my studies and assure having a better job in the future.

لطفا کمک کنید تا هر جمله تصحیح شود - English