
متن از JulyJane - English

  • Dave is in the Kitchen!!

    • Hi EvryBody!
  • Arf English ...
    • English ich very important to work in the world,.. we saiy...
  • I know, I know,...
    • Like everybody, I've learnt English at school.. since my age of 6.. what did we learn in englisch??...
    • We beguin to sing ♫♪ABCDEFGHIJK LMNOP,...
  • LMNOPQRST,..UVW XYZ!♫♪! Yea!!
    • So interessting!!!
    • Then, in the college, what does we learn??
  • "My name is Brian"..
  • "...But Dave is in the Kitchen.." , "and I believe in Horoscope!!!" My God!!
    • If I meet one English.. does it's interessting for him if I believe in horoscope or not?? Really?
  • Brian is in the kitchen?
  • We don't care!!! at all!!!
    • The most interesting thing in English at school for me,.. has been.... the.. irregular verbs... Waw!
  • Even if I've Forgotten a lot,.. it's useful..
  • But.."Dave is in the Kitchen... please..
  • STOP!!" I love Languages,.. but since my first English lessons,...
    • I'm demotivate with English...English?
    • We can say "god job" to my teacher and the manner of learn English at school in France.
  • That is why, I'm here to motivate myself again.. and to motivate myself,.. there is much to do!
    • We speak again about my English lessons at school?
    • And I hang myself ♫♪Merry Christmas Everyworld!!♪♫

لطفا کمک کنید تا هر جمله تصحیح شود - English