
متن از VashtaNerada - English

    • New year

    • I have so much work to do but all I thinking about it`s just that new year is almost come.
    • And everithing reminds me about it: shops, magazines, movies.
    • Everithing but not the weather.
    • I want snow and cold and wind.
  • I miss red noses and white eyelashes.
  • I never thought that I would ever want it so bad.
    • I go to walk every day and it`s like in Europe.
    • What`s wrong with my lovely Russia?
    • This summer was so terrible and winter do the same thing, looks like every seasons decided to play autumn.
  • Where is the paper?
    • I`m gonna make a lot of snowflakes tonight.

لطفا کمک کنید تا هر جمله تصحیح شود - English