
متن از TanyaDudkina - English

  • Parental Advice or Your Own Choice of a Future Mate?

    • In today's world many parents adore to control their adult children and even trying to arrange their personal lifes.
  • Therefore, many young people prefer not to consult with parents and to choose a spouse by themselves, but others do it.
  • Let's us consider what the advantages and disadvantages of this accute issue are.
    • On the one hand, parental adviceis very crucial.
  • Firstly, parents are wiser, they know life and want their children to be happy and loved.
  • Therefore, some young people prefer addressing the issues their future mates with their parents.
    • Secondly, parents can notice the foults of their future daughter in law or a son in law because young people see their parents through rose-coloured spectacles.
    • Becides, parents pay their attention to on education and the inner world of the future spouses of their children because appearances can be deceiving.
    • That's why, parental advice is very significant in choosing the right partner.
  • On the other hand, parents can ruin their children's life and add fuel to the flame.
  • It is true that all parents believe that their child is the best and deserves the best.
    • According to it, they try to choose a partner very carefully.
    • Majority of them consider that financial secutity is of primary importance for marital success.
    • That's why, they do not pay attention to the feelings of their children to a lower status to a candidate and take up a firm attitude.
    • However, I also agree that young people who do not consult with their parents and only after getting married they realized that in their family there is mutual misunderstanding.
    • They hurry into marriage not to weight up all the pros and cons together with their parents.
    • In conclusion, I want to say that young couple should introduce their parents to each other and have family dinners to their parents looked at each other and find a common language with the mate of a daughter or a son.
    • Young people should hear parental advice but as the saying goes "trust but verify".

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