
متن از Natashe4ka - English

  • Parental Advice or your own choice of a future mate?

  • In today's world, more and more people have the problems of choosing a future mate.
  • It is an actual theme.
  • Can we choose a future mate alone or parental advice?
  • Today I will try to reflect.
  • To begin with the fact that a lot of people have difficulties to find a man who would come up to us.
  • We want to feel the love of a man, his concern.
  • Also, we want to devote herself to him.
  • Doubtless, we are all human , and we have the right to mistakes.
  • Sometimes, some people may be disappointed in each other and suffer.
  • But it is just a bitter experience.
  • But whether it is necessary to consult with parents, if you made a mistake the first time and are afraid to enter into another relationship?
  • On the one hand, parents of adults who lived a long life.
  • They have more experience and knowledge.
  • They are our parents and we do not want to bad.
  • One cannot deny that every parent should tell the children that beauty is not the main factor by which to choose the partner for life.
  • Besides, parents notice disadvantages of the future bride or groom faster than we are.
  • Because we are in a state of love and see only the good.
  • Parents are good friends.
  • They want that we made rose -colored glasses and looked with new eyes at the man.
  • One should note here that parents fear for us and want us to be happy.
  • To our parents we are always children, and no matter how much we age.
  • On the other hand, young people want to be adults and live independently.
  • They want to decide whom to choose and love.
  • We need to make an informed decision.
  • This is a serious choice because our fate depends only on but also the fate of our future children.
  • One must admit that in assessing the future life partner plays an important role: the inner world, a way of life leads, as is able to solve problems, how to relate to children and so on.
  • Nevertheless, one should accept that in future family financial situation is very important because you need to think about the children.
  • Also, I think it is necessary to pay attention to the behavior of the parents of the future bride or groom.
  • Because their child has formed a model of behavior in the family.
  • In conclusion I want to say that in the choice of the future mate, we still have to consult with parent, or at least listen to their advice.
  • This is a complex and difficult choice.
  • We let into our lives a man who will bring the most valuable thing in life.
  • It is our children.
  • But still we have to listen to your heart.
  • Parents did not speak, but the heart can not order.

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