
متن از Natashe4ka - English

  • Rendering

  • The article I'd like to render is entitled " Smile,a teacher!" I assume that this article is written by a teacher in a local newspaper.
  • The article is about how to bring up their children the right sense of humor.
  • The author's communicative aim is to make other teachers or kindergartens reconsider their attitude to their approaches of children's upbringing.
  • In this article, the author reveals problems such as: a problem of creating a favorable atmosphere in the class, a problem of uniting a group of children, a problem of children's upbringing healthy sense of humour, a problem of breaches of discipline in a class.
  • At the beginning of his article, a teacher gives an example in which a girl who mentally retarded fails her control test.
  • Other children are happy their success.
  • But a newcomer boy begins to laugh loudly.
    • Children stare at him with condemn surprise.
  • They don't understand why he laughs at someone else's problem.
    • The author declares that the children did the same thing a young ago.
  • Now they have matured and realized that it was wrong.
  • Everyone has a right to be wrong in the world.
  • A teacher wants to make us think that we have a relationship with the children.
    • Normal children have smelliot, willingness to joy and smile.
    • We should nurture in them a sense of compassion, dignify, shame, mental toughness and self- confidence.
    • In this article, the author declares that crude humor can grow out of children's laughter.
  • Parents and teachers should be attentive and careful.
  • The author proclaims that humor is the shortest path to achieving the major aim of education and training.
    • Teachers should create the pleasant atmosphere for studying without conflicts.
    • Upbringing of sense of humor and upbringing of relations are connected of processes.
  • The author reveals that his own theater " Twinkle" which is created by him helps to separate these parts.
  • The author wants to show us that a teacher is a professional.
  • He quickly find the approach to children, engaging them in interesting activities.
  • He tries to comfort and to support a student, if you do not have a role.
  • The author claims that a common cause unites people.
  • The theatre is like a family, It helps to develop their sense of responsibility, compassion, sacrifice something personal for the sake of common interests.

لطفا کمک کنید تا هر جمله تصحیح شود - English