
متن از Darina1997 - English

  • plz correct even the trifles. it's important

    • - Then let it fly wherever it wants,- declared the princess and she refused to except the prince.
    • the prince didn't lose his heart.
    • He draggled all his face with brown and black paint, pulled hat over his eyes and knocked at the door.
  • - Good day, emperor!
  • - said he.- Wouldn't there be some work for me in your palace?
  • - There are a lot of people like you who come and ask!- answered the emperor.- However, wait(hold on)- I remembered: I need a swine-herd.
    • We have loads of pigs.And here is the prince, appointed as as a swine-herd and put into a wretched, teeny-weeny cubbyhole near pigs' nook.All the day through he was sitting and making something by hand.
    • And towards the evening he made up a magic pot.
    • The pot was all hung with bells and when it was cooking something, the bells called the old song: Ah, my dear Augustine Augustine, Augustine Ah, my dear Augustine Everything passed away But what was the most engaging of all was that keeping your hand over steam which the pot uttered you would immediately know what meal was cooking everyone in the town(or what meal everyone in the town was cooking).
  • It was nothing like any rose.
  • And here is the princess set off for a walk with her ladies-in-waiting and she suddenly heard a melodious clinking of bells.
  • She stopped at once and beamed up as she could play only one ditty on piano and that only with one finger.
  • -Ah, I play it too.- said the princess. Oh, indeed!
  • Then, he's educated.
  • Listen, someone, go and ask him how much this instrument costs.
    • One of the ladies in waiting had to put on wood shoes and set off to the backyard.
    • -What would you take for the pot?- asked she.
  • -Ten princess's kisses.
  • -It's impossible.
  • - exclaimed the lady-in-waiting.
  • -It can't be cheaper!- answered the swine-herd.
  • -So, what did he say?- asked the princess.
  • -Indeed, i mustn't repeat.- the lady-in-waiting answered.
  • It's fearful what he said.
  • -Then whisper it to my ear.
  • And the lady-in-waiting whispered.
  • - Such an impudent fellow!
  • - got angry the princess and went away, but the bells began clinking so temptingly.
  • -Listen,-said the princess to the lady-in-waiting.
  • -Go and ask whether he will take ten kisses of my ladies-in-waiting?
  • -No, thanks,- the swine-herd answered.- Ten kisses of princess otherwise I'll keep the pot.
  • -How unpleasant it is!-uttered the princess.
  • Well, there's nothing to do.
  • You'll have to gather round us so that no one will see.
  • The ladies-in-waiting surrounded the princess and fenced her in with their voluminous skirts.
  • The swine-herd got his ten kisses and princess - the pot.
  • What a joy it was.
  • The whole evening and the whole next day the pot wasn't moved away from the fireplace.
  • And the was no kitchen in the city from chamberlain's room to shoemaker's which it wasn't known to her what food was cooked there.
  • The ladies-in-waiting jumped and clapped their hands.
  • -We know who'll have sweet soup and pancakes.We know who has porridge and pork cutlets.
  • -Exceedingly interesting.- confirmed an chief chamberlain. -Yes.
  • But hold your tongues for I'm a daughter of the emperor. -Sure.
  • How else can it be!- exclaimed everyone.
  • And the swine-herd (that is the prince but everyone considered him a swine-herd) didn't waist his time and made a chatterbox by hand.
  • There was nothing more than to wave it and it began playing all waltz and polkas which only existed in the wide world.
  • -Such a delight.
  • - cried out the princess, passing by.
  • What a potpourri.
  • I didn't hear anything better in my life.
  • Come and ask how much he'll take for this instrument.
  • But I won't kiss him anymore.
  • -He demands a hundred princess's kisses.- reported the lady-in-waiting after visiting swine-herd.
  • -Did he go mad, indeed?
  • - the princess cried out and went her way and stepped couple of times but then stopped.
  • We should encourage the art.- said she.- After all I'm an emperor's daughter.
  • Tell the swine-herd I'll give him ten kisses as on the day before.
  • And let him get the rest from my ladies-in-waiting.
  • -Yes, but we wouldn't like...-persisted the ladies-in-waiting.
  • -Nonsense!- the princess said.- If even I agreed to kiss him, you all the more have to agree.
  • Don't forget that I feed you and pay you salary.
  • And the lady-in-waiting had to set off to the swine-herd again.
  • -One hundred kisses of the princess!- repeated he.-If not - it is to be as it was.
  • - Stand in a circle!- commanded the princess and ladies-in-waiting surrounded her.
  • And the swine-herd started kissing her.
  • -What is this assemblage near pig stables?-asked the emperor when he went out on the balcony.
  • He rubbed his eyes and put on the glasses.
  • Oh yea, that's ladies-in-waiting getting up to something.
  • I should walk up to them and see.
  • He straightened the backs of his shoes.
  • They were completely battered shoes and quickly.
  • Having arrived to the backyard he quietly stole along to the ladies-in-waiting, which being in calculation of the kisses.
  • They had to make sure that the swine-herd will be paid off fair

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