
متن از FernandoH - English

  • Sims

  • Hello Everyone!
  • I think all of us have heared about sims.
  • It's a videogames where we have to build a house, a city and play with a family.
  • When I was 10 years old I played it for the first time, it was "The Sims making Magic" I enjoyed it so much!
  • I remember I played it for four or more hours.
  • In this game you can play with a family composed by eight persons (In the game they are called sims), the language in the game is called "simlish" and the first city where we can play is the "Pleasantview".
  • This game has 4 expansions and it can be played on some video games consoles as "play station", "xbox", "game boy", etc. Some people thinks this game is so boring but I think it could be so enjoyable and funny because you can build your dream's house.
  • Here I leave photos of the Sims.

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