To learn language is a ability that everybody has. If you want to use this ability efficiently you must focus on 'LAD': Language Acquisition Device. LAD includes 'International Grammar' which constitute the skeleton of all languages.
For a recently born child, the only thing he should do is to cover this 'skeleton' with a 'proper skin'. Rules of International Grammar is very abstract and complex so a child who is deprive of instinct cannot build this skeleton. That is to say, learning language without instinct is not easy.
To make it clear I will continue with a example: just magine that there are 100 needles in a hayloft. 100 people will find 50-60 needles by just using their eyes and hands in 100 hours. A child will find all the needles in 10 minutes. In such a case nobody claims that the child did this perfect job by just using his eyes and hands. However, the child is thought to use a magnet or another 'DEVICE' :)
To get to the main point, if we take look at hundreds of linguists we will realize that these linguists solve just a small part of the grammar puzzle by using general problem solving techniques. If a child aged 5-6 solves all 'puzzle' we cannot attribute this success to problem solving techniques. At this point we can clearly see that 'learning' foreign language should be acquisited, not learned.
In conclusion, in learning a foreign language acquisition is the most vital point. If you really desire to learn foreign language you don't have to struggle with grammar. Focus on speaking, listening and understanding people.
In plain terms you should acquisite the language as a child not as an adult. For instance you should learn about daily life and not about tenses or complicated rules.