Dîner-débat à la MUF

Event description

  • Date: Dec 06, 2007
  • Time: 19:00
  • Address: Address visible for attendees

'De l'apprentissage d'une langue à la découverte de l'Autre et de sa culture'

Dîner-débat au cours duquel chacun pourra participer et apporter sa propre expérience de la communication interculturelle.

Il s'agit de la PREMIERE réunion commune entre Polyglot Club et la M.U.F. (Mission Universitaire Française), qui nous accueille en son siège.

Attention : participation aux frais pour le dîner :

- 5 euros : étudiants, demandeurs d'emploi

- 10 euros : travailleurs


Jeudi 6 décembre 2007

19h : arrivée et présentation des participants

19h30 : débat et dîner, jusqu'à 22h30



22 bd Saint-Denis, 75010 Paris

Métro : Strasbourg St-Denis

code 75 A 61

Esc. A 3e étage

Bernard Sutter:


Le paiement de votre participation aux frais se fera sur place.

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pat profile picture patDecember 2007
Thank you all for coming last night. The 30some participants were from a great variety of backgrounds and cultures. It was most valuable to hear your input on the topic, with such a diversity in points of view, approaches and life experiences. Let's make sure this is more than just a one-off!
pat profile picture patDecember 2007

Thanks for your interest in this public talk. We would be truly honored by your presence and I'm very interested to hear your contribution to the discussions. But, there's a 'but', the way things are looking, by 9 pm we should be pretty much done with the talking, and will be tucking in the buffet. So, if you're up for that, most welcome! Of course, after 9pm, there'll still be some exploration of the topic at hand, though in a less formal fashion. See ya!
futchibow profile picture futchibowDecember 2007
I was interested in coming to the debate but thing is I'm not available until 21:00 Is it still OK to drop by...shame!
pat profile picture patNovember 2007

Thank you for your interest in Polyglot Club, and more specifically in this Meeting. The MUF (Mission Universitaire Française) is NOT a religious group. Its "mission" is to promote diversity and mutual understanding. We deemed it appropriate to organize a joint reunion, because MUF and Polyglot Club share the same vision and philosophy, when it comes to foreign languages and cultural exchanges.

Hope to see you there!

lcpe profile picture lcpeNovember 2007
What is the Mission Universitaire Francaise ??

Is that a religious organization ?

Or a secular one ?

Thank you for replies !

pat profile picture patNovember 2007
Nice move, Maria Verena! I am sure that you will find the Polyglot Community welcoming, and the MUF headquarters homey. The food is tasty, and drinks plentiful, and learnings galore. Can't wait to share all that =)
mariaverena76 profile picture mariaverena76November 2007

Tres bell'idée!!! je viendrai avec plaisir.

salut a tous

maria verena

pat profile picture patNovember 2007
Yes, as a matter of fact, I DO talk to my Pakistani convenience store employee, I DO LEARN from my Chinese cashier at the university restaurant, and I DO listen to what ALL foreign workers (or unemployed, for that matter) have to tell me about different ways to behave, act, think and interact.

That is precisely what I have in mind when I speak of diversity, and that is ALSO what Polyglot Club strives to promote. And I do NOT despair to meet with you at one of our events, because if you are so utterly disgruntled at what you find online, then there is a pretty good chance that you WILL take advantage of those opportunities to deal FACE TO FACE, with people from 'all walks of life'  =)

See you soon, Isadora!
