Polyglot Party in the center of Paris

Event description


eleo profile picture eleoNovember 2006


Very cool party & a lot of nice people !!!

Merci Matthieu pour cette super soirée !

Bisous à tous de Bruxelles ...

A bientot


multiglot profile picture multiglotNovember 2006
You bet, Elean, we're already up and running full steam... towards the next Polyglot destination :-)
Elean profile picture EleanNovember 2006

Alors jeunes patriotes polyglotes, a quand la prochaine?? L'impatience nait déjà! Allez au travail, c'est pas parcequ'on vous remercie qu'il faut se reposer sur vos lauriers!

Bonjour à ceux que j'ai eu le privilège de rencontrer..

Elean, Agathe.

vincent profile picture vincentNovember 2006
Franchement, une des meilleure soirée polyglot !!! j'espère que matthieu et mathieu (un seul t) renouvellerons l'expérience !!!
multiglot profile picture multiglotNovember 2006

*Hurrah* for Matthieu and Matthieu who were so kind to open their door to us! 

Heartfelt thx, Mattia, for  the mug shots! They are dear memories of a momentous party! You are such the ""paparazzo""!

  And all my gratitude  for the folks who went the extra-mile to treat us with some finger-licking exotic delicacies =) Wish we could do this every night :-P...

Already looking forward to the next Polyglot night out!


tiaiao profile picture tiaiaoNovember 2006

Sorry polyglots! It seems that for the moment nobody except me can see the photos on polyglot@flickr. This is due to the flikr policy for new users: they have to be sure that I am not posting "offensive images". You have to wait 3-5 days, the time flickr needs to understand you're not offensive. :-P So... stay tuned!

See you,

Izabbel profile picture IzabbelNovember 2006


Merci pour cette soirée !

C'était franchement sympathique de rencontres... worldwide !!!


tiaiao profile picture tiaiaoNovember 2006

Hello Polyglots!

Voici some photos taken at the party.
More photos at polyglotatflickr.

Ci vediamo presto!
