poliglote - Every Thursday - *No French Spoken* Meeting

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le_mage_violet profile picture le_mage_violetAugust 2006

Just a message to tell you that the report about "Polyglot Cafe" on France Bleu Ile-de-France will be broadcasted into 2 weeks (31/08/2006) at 6h47 and 7h47.


patipiq profile picture patipiqAugust 2006

No fear Elean, Polyglots are  quite a  friendly bunch! I won't be there this Thursday, but if you hang in there long enough, you may see my Mediterranean suntan. Can't wait!

I'm afraid, I might miss the radio broadcast about Polyglot on "Radio Bleue". I hope that some radio buff can tape it for the benefit of  our fast-growing community =)

Rock on!

Elean profile picture EleanAugust 2006

Okay Thanks!!

vincent profile picture vincentAugust 2006

For those who come for the first time, I think it is best to meet inside the café Biarritz. If you arrive early at 8:00 pm for example, the bar is not full yet so to see who is a polyglot just ask the bartender or listen to the foreign conversations .... and you'll meet right away a polyglot. -)

See you Thursday !!


Elean profile picture EleanAugust 2006

Est ce que certaines personnes se retrouvent au métro? Si oui pourrais je savoir à quelle heure? Merci!

vincent profile picture vincentAugust 2006


Ca y est j'ai eu le_mage_violet (journaliste chez France Bleu Ile de France) qui me confirme le passage du reportage enregistré Jeudi dernier sur France Bleu Ile de France Jeudi matin entre 6h et 9h. Je vous conseille de brancher la radio ce Jeudi matin avant d'aller au boulot !!!

Voici les fréquences et le lien vers France Bleu

- Paris 107,1
- Corbeil-Essonne 92.3
- Melun 92.7
- Fontainebleau 103.3
- Nemours 103.7
- Provins 92.7
- Chartres 97.3

vincent profile picture vincentAugust 2006

Yes, there'll be a meeting this thursday 10th of August.

See you !!

Elean profile picture EleanAugust 2006
Hi! Is there a meeting on thusday 10? I hope so!