Brazil - polyglot شبکه

به شبکه چند زبانی!Brazilخوش آمدید

Welcome to the Polyglot Club Brazil NetWork.

Be free to create events and practice a lot.


We've also been organizing ourselves independently through a National Club which follows the same philosophy we call Clube Poliglota Brasil; If you want to join this moviment. Come!

Pessoal. Sigam as nossas mídias para ficarem atualizados dos eventos presenciais e virtuais. Obrigado.

► Clubes por Lugares/ Places/ Ejoj

► Se INSCREVAM e PROMOVAM eventos oelo FB

► Mandem nos e-mail por atendimento@ ou para: clubepoliglotabrasil@ gmail (só juntar o antes e depois do arroba)

DISCORD ● TELEGRAM Canal :: Grupo :: BOT :: ● 

●  WHATSAPP Catálogo De Grupos :: List of Groups

● FACEBOOK: pagína :: grupo ● YOUTUBE ●  BLOG  ●



>>>>Projetos irmãos<<<
Polyglot Club Africa |||||||||||||| Clube Políglota Américas

► Focado em artes: PolyArte Club
► Focado em ciências: Clube Politécnico Brasil
► Focando em Aventura: Aventureiros Brasil
► Focando em alimentação Crudi: CRUDINIC


"I bet you have heard something about us, haven't you? Maybe you've heard about Carnival. Or was it about our Soccer? No, I'm sure you've heard about our beaches. Yes, we really have all of that here, but there is so much more to see. If you ever come to Brazil I'm sure you're going to agree with me.

If you like hot weather you can visit our lovely coast, coming all along with the atlantic ocean. What? You like big cities? Oh, so you have to visit Sao Paulo. Sao Paulo is the world's fifth biggest metropolis. You can find everything here, and experts say our nightlife is one of the best worldwide. Ok, you don't like nor hot weather nor big cities, so maybe you should visit Amazon. It's the brazilian state with the largest area of the Amazon Rainforest. There you can find a lot of adventure and you're gonna be in touch with the nature during your whole stay.

We still have options for you if you enjoy cold weathers. You can visit places like Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina, all over the south. You may think you are in Europe."

jeff. ex-adm.




FLAVINHA profile picture FLAVINHAAugust 2012
The chat room doesn't work here
Mosque profile picture MosqueAugust 2012
Does anyone want to learn Brazilian Portuguese with a native and professional teacher for free? Not for free. I ask you too teach me your language!
See you!
Menegaro profile picture MenegaroAugust 2012
Hello, I'm Michael, I'd like to improve my english. I'm engineering student and I'm looking for friends.
kurte_1 profile picture kurte_1August 2012
Hi, my name is Luciano, and I like English very much
wsley profile picture wsleyAugust 2012
hi, my name is Wesley, I am 15 years old, I am Brazilian, I like to learn to speak English and I've been looking for friends
Josimar profile picture JosimarAugust 2012
Ola, estou afim de aprender!
alisson62 profile picture alisson62August 2012
If you want to have tips of English like our fanpage Curtam nossa página no facebook para terem dicas de inglês.