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◀️ Family and Relationships — Previous Lesson Next Lesson — Traditional Serbian Music ▶️

SerbianVocabulary0 to A1 Course → Introduction to Serbian Vocabulary → Transportation and Directions

In this lesson, we will explore the vocabulary needed to travel and ask for directions in Serbian-speaking countries. As a complete beginner, it is essential to acquire the basic words and phrases related to transportation and directions to navigate through unfamiliar places confidently. Whether you are planning a trip to Serbia or simply interested in expanding your Serbian vocabulary, this lesson will provide you with the necessary tools to communicate effectively in various travel scenarios.

Throughout this lesson, we will cover the following topics:

1. Modes of Transportation: Learn the Serbian words for different modes of transportation, including airplanes, trains, buses, cars, and taxis. We will also discuss how to ask for transportation options and purchase tickets.

2. Asking for Directions: Understand how to ask for directions in Serbian and comprehend the responses you may receive. We will focus on common vocabulary related to streets, landmarks, and cardinal directions.

3. Giving Directions: Learn how to give directions in Serbian by using basic vocabulary and phrases. We will explore different sentence structures and expressions to provide clear and concise directions to others.

4. Public Transportation: Discover the vocabulary needed to navigate public transportation systems in Serbian-speaking countries. We will cover bus and tram stops, ticket types, and common phrases used when using public transportation.

5. Travel Vocabulary: Expand your travel-related vocabulary by learning words and phrases related to airports, train stations, hotels, and restaurants. This section will help you communicate effectively in various travel situations.

By the end of this lesson, you will have a solid foundation in Serbian transportation and directions vocabulary, enabling you to confidently navigate through Serbian-speaking countries and engage in conversations related to travel.

Now, let's dive into the details!

Modes of Transportation[edit | edit source]

When traveling, it is important to know the Serbian words for different modes of transportation. This knowledge will help you communicate your travel preferences and understand transportation options available to you. Let's explore some common modes of transportation in Serbian:

Airplane[edit | edit source]

Serbian Pronunciation English
авион avion airplane
аеродром aerodrom airport
лет let flight
карта karta ticket

Example Sentences:

  • Желим да резервишем карту за Београд. (I would like to book a ticket to Belgrade.)
  • Колико дуго траје лет до Ниша? (How long does the flight to Nis take?)

Train[edit | edit source]

Serbian Pronunciation English
воз voz train
железничка станица železnička stanica train station
перон peron platform
карта karta ticket

Example Sentences:

  • Да ли имате информације о тренуцима? (Do you have information about the trains?)
  • Колико кошта карта до Новог Сада? (How much is the ticket to Novi Sad?)

Bus[edit | edit source]

Serbian Pronunciation English
аутобус autobus bus
автобуска станица autobuska stanica bus station
перон peron platform
карта karta ticket

Example Sentences:

  • Молим вас, где је перон за аутобус за Београд? (Excuse me, where is the platform for the bus to Belgrade?)
  • Када је последњи автобус за Ниш? (When is the last bus to Nis?)

Car[edit | edit source]

Serbian Pronunciation English
аутомобил automobil car
пут put road
бензинска пумпа benzinska pumpa gas station
паркинг parking parking

Example Sentences:

  • Молим вас, где је најближи паркинг? (Excuse me, where is the nearest parking?)
  • Колико кошта гориво у Србији? (How much does fuel cost in Serbia?)

Taxi[edit | edit source]

Serbian Pronunciation English
такси taksi taxi
такси станица taksi stanica taxi stand
адреса adresa address
вожња vožnja ride

Example Sentences:

  • Молим вас, треба ми такси до хотела. (Excuse me, I need a taxi to the hotel.)
  • Колико кошта вожња до аеродрома? (How much does the ride to the airport cost?)

Asking for Directions[edit | edit source]

When in a new place, it's crucial to know how to ask for directions in Serbian. This will help you navigate through unfamiliar streets and landmarks. Let's explore some common phrases to ask for directions:

Basic Phrases[edit | edit source]

  • Извините, да ли можете да ми помогнете? (Excuse me, can you help me?)
  • Губим се. (I'm lost.)
  • Како да стигнем до...? (How do I get to...?)
  • Где је...? (Where is...?)
  • Којим путем да идем? (Which way should I go?)

Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

Serbian Pronunciation English
улица ulica street
кружни ток kružni tok roundabout
раскрсница raskrsnica intersection
светло svetlo traffic light
полиција policija police station
банка banka bank

Example Sentences:

  • Извините, где је најближа банка? (Excuse me, where is the nearest bank?)
  • Како да стигнем до полицијске станице? (How do I get to the police station?)

Giving Directions[edit | edit source]

Knowing how to give directions in Serbian will not only help others find their way but also allow you to practice your language skills. Let's explore some common phrases to give directions:

Basic Phrases[edit | edit source]

  • Идите право. (Go straight.)
  • Скрените лево. (Turn left.)
  • Скрените десно. (Turn right.)
  • Пређите пут. (Cross the road.)
  • На крају улице. (At the end of the street.)

Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

Serbian Pronunciation English
налази се nalazi se is located
испред ispred in front of
између između between
налево nalevo to the left
надаље nаdаlje further

Example Sentences:

  • Банка се налази испред парка. (The bank is located in front of the park.)
  • Скрените десно налево на следећој раскрсници. (Turn right at the next intersection.)

Public Transportation[edit | edit source]

When using public transportation in Serbian-speaking countries, it is important to know the relevant vocabulary and phrases. This will help you navigate the system and communicate with drivers and fellow passengers. Let's explore some common words and phrases related to public transportation:

Bus[edit | edit source]

Serbian Pronunciation English
автобус autobus bus
трамвај tramvaj tram
станица stanica stop
карта karta ticket

Example Sentences:

  • Молим вас, где је најближа автобуска станица? (Excuse me, where is the nearest bus stop?)
  • Колико кошта карта за трамвај? (How much is the ticket for the tram?)

Train[edit | edit source]

Serbian Pronunciation English
воз voz train
железничка станица železnička stanica train station
перон peron platform
карта karta ticket

Example Sentences:

  • Да ли имате информације о тренуцима? (Do you have information about the trains?)
  • Колико кошта карта до Новог Сада? (How much is the ticket to Novi Sad?)

Travel Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

To enhance your travel experience in Serbian-speaking countries, it is essential to learn additional travel-related vocabulary. This will help you communicate effectively in various travel scenarios, such as at airports, train stations, hotels, and restaurants. Let's explore some useful travel vocabulary:

Airport[edit | edit source]

Serbian Pronunciation English
аеродром aerodrom airport
лет let flight
пасош pasoš passport
прекид prekid layover

Example Sentences:

  • Која гејт је за мој лет? (Which gate is for my flight?)
  • Колико треба времена за прекид? (How much time do I have for the layover?)

Hotel[edit | edit source]

Serbian Pronunciation English
хотел hotel hotel
резервација rezervacija reservation
соба soba room
рачун račun bill

Example Sentences:

  • Имам резервацију на име... (I have a reservation under the name...)
  • Молим вас, да ли можете да ми донесете рачун? (Excuse me, can you bring me the bill?)

Restaurant[edit | edit source]

Serbian Pronunciation English
ресторан restoran restaurant
мени meni menu
поручак poručak order
рачун račun bill

Example Sentences:

  • Молим вас, да ли имате мени на енглеском? (Excuse me, do you have a menu in English?)
  • Хтео бих да поручим пилетину са рижом. (I would like to order chicken with rice.)

Congratulations! You have completed the lesson on transportation and directions in Serbian. You now have the vocabulary and phrases necessary to travel and navigate through Serbian-speaking countries. Practice these words and phrases in real-life situations to enhance your language skills and build your confidence. Happy travels!

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