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Brazilian Slang - Words & Expressions 😎👍
Brazilian slang.jpg

Did you know that Brazil, being the fifth largest country in the world by land area, boasts a rich and diverse cultural landscape, where different Accents and local expressions can be found in each state? Sometimes, even Brazilians themselves have a hard time understanding one another due to these regional variations!

As you dive into the vibrant world of Brazilian slang and colloquial expressions, you'll discover that each region adds its unique flavor to the Portuguese language. The aim of this lesson is to help you understand and appreciate the spoken and slang expressions from different states and regions in Brazil. By familiarizing yourself with these expressions, you'll be able to communicate more effectively with native speakers and truly immerse yourself in the Brazilian culture.

In this lesson, we'll explore a wide range of slang words, touching upon topics such as greetings, emotions, and everyday situations. As you learn these expressions, you'll gain insight into the Brazilian way of life and the cultural nuances that make the country so special.

We encourage you to contribute to this fascinating linguistic journey by adding new slang words or expressions from your state or region. Your input will greatly enrich the text and provide an even more comprehensive understanding of the linguistic diversity found across Brazil. So, join us as we delve into the colorful tapestry of Brazilian slang and colloquialisms, and unlock the door to a more authentic Brazilian experience!

Everywhere in Brazil

Word List and Meaning

Here are some of the main slang words and expressions used in the whole Brazil:

Slang Word Explanation
E aí? What's up?
Tá boma Do you agree?/I agree
Tudo jóia All good?/All good.
Fala sério You're joking.
Lindo maravilhoso! Marvelous.
Que bacana! That's awesome!
Que beleza A sarcastic "wonderful"
Foi mal My bad.
Cabeça-dura Hard-head
Pão-duro Scrooge
Pisar na bola Made a mess of things
É o cão chupando manga Ugly
Não tô nem aí! I don't care
Bacana Cool
Nó cego Big problem
Moleque/Moleca Kid
Meu Deus! My god!
Nossa Senhora Our Lady!
Deus do Céu God of Heaven!
Ave Maria! Hail Mary!
Ralar Working hard
Grana Cash
Tranquilo I'm fine
Gato/Gata Good looking
Valeu Thanks
Legal Cool
De igual Am okay with it
Mala Annoying
Falou Okay
Beleza? Is everything okay?
Cara Dude, guy
Colocar a boca no trombone Spill the beans, speak out loud
Dar no pé To take off, leave
Ficar de boa To relax, chill
Fulano So-and-so (generic person's name)
Mandar bala Go for it, give it a try
Na moral Honestly, for real
Pagar mico To make a fool of oneself
Parada Thing, situation, matter
Rolê A ride, a walk, hanging out
Sacou? Got it?
Tirar onda To show off, brag
Vixi Oops, wow (expression of surprise)
Xavecar To flirt, hit on someone


Here is a dialogue using some of the slang words above so you can practice them in context:

  • A: E aí? Tudo jóia? (What's up? All good?)
  • B: Oi! Tudo jóia, sim. E você? (Hi! All good, yes. And you?)
  • A: Tranquilo, trabalhando bastante. Ralando muito ultimamente. (I'm fine, working a lot. Working hard lately.)
  • B: Nossa Senhora! Você merece uma folga. (Our Lady! You deserve a break.)
  • A: Valeu, mas preciso fazer grana. (Thanks, but I need to make cash.)
  • B: Bacana! A propósito, você viu o carro novo do Pedro? (Cool! By the way, have you seen Pedro's new car?)
  • A: Que bacana! Ele finalmente comprou um carro novo? (That's awesome! He finally bought a new car?)
  • B: Sim, é um Gato! (Yes, it's good looking!)
  • A: Deus do Céu! Ele deve ter gastado muita grana. (God of Heaven! He must have spent a lot of cash.)
  • B: É, mas ele não é pão-duro como o irmão dele. (Yeah, but he's not a Scrooge like his brother.)
  • A: Fala sério! O irmão dele é mesmo cabeça-dura. (You're joking! His brother is really hard-headed.)
  • B: Verdade! Mas, mudando de assunto, você vai na festa da Ana? (True! But, changing the subject, are you going to Ana's party?)
  • A: Acho que sim. Deve ser legal. (I think so. It should be cool.)
  • B: É o cão chupando manga! Vai ser muito divertido! (It's going to be awesome! It'll be a lot of fun!)
  • A: Então tá boma, nos vemos lá! (Then I agree, see you there!)
  • B: Falou! Até lá! (Okay! See you there!)

Essential Vocab: Brazilian (Portuguese) Slang


We have nine states in the northeast. I'll talk a little about the slang that exists in Pernambuco, which sometimes other states use as well.

  • O bichinho tá doente, é? Is the child or the boy really sick?
  • Oxi, e eu num te avisei! "Oxi", is an expression of amazement and at the same time indignation with what was said before and was not done by the person.
  • Que cabra arretado. When someone learns and does everything to please people.
  • Viu? Você observou aquilo?
  • Você prestou atenção?
  • Tá danado de bom. The place, the food, the things you like, are too good




  • Gaudério - Country dweller.
  • Lagartear - Stay in the sun doing nothing, resting.
  • Pila - Another way of saying our currency, like money.



  • TOP - Adjective used to say that something is very good or amazing.
  • Mano - Is an expression similar to "bro" in english.

Brazilian slang from Rio de Janeiro

Are there any dialects in Brazil?

Did you know that Brazil, being the fifth largest country in the world by land area, boasts a rich and diverse cultural landscape, where different accents and local expressions can be found in each state? Sometimes, even Brazilians themselves have a hard time understanding one another due to these regional variations!

As you dive into the vibrant world of Brazilian slang and colloquial expressions, you'll discover that each region adds its unique flavor to the Portuguese language. The aim of this lesson is to help you understand and appreciate the spoken and slang expressions from different states and regions in Brazil. By familiarizing yourself with these expressions, you'll be able to communicate more effectively with native speakers and truly immerse yourself in the Brazilian culture.

In this lesson, we'll explore a wide range of slang words, touching upon topics such as greetings, emotions, and everyday situations. As you learn these expressions, you'll gain insight into the Brazilian way of life and the cultural nuances that make the country so special.

We encourage you to contribute to this fascinating linguistic journey by adding new slang words or expressions from your state or region. Your input will greatly enrich the text and provide an even more comprehensive understanding of the linguistic diversity found across Brazil. So, join us as we delve into the colorful tapestry of Brazilian slang and colloquialisms, and unlock the door to a more authentic Brazilian experience!

I Hope you enjoyed it! I will post more soon!

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