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Often considered a chore, washing your clothes while traveling quickly becomes a necessity because it is difficult to take your entire wardrobe with you. In cities, it is always possible to take advantage of the hotel's laundry service, which is generally chargeable.

You can also look for a laundromat and do your laundry there yourself. Buying some washing powder before you leave can be useful and save you from queuing at the supermarket for a few doses of washing powder.

The other alternative to doing your laundry while traveling is to do it in your hotel room. In this case, use a biodegradable soap that you can easily find in all camping stores.

In some villages in Portugal there are still open-air washhouses, as it is hot it is very pleasant to do your laundry which you put to dry on the spot, while you visit the area.

Consider exploring these related pages after completing this lesson:At a Party, Slang, Family & Knowing a person.

Portuguese Translation
Branqueamento Bleach
Lavanderia Laundry
Roupa limpa Clean laundry
Balde Bucket
Roupas Clothes
Varal Clothes line
Roupas coloridas Colored clothes
Prendedor Clothes pins
Roupas pretas Dark clothes
Lavar roupa Do laundry
Amaciante de roupa Fabric softener
Secadora Dryer
Pendurar Hang up
Cabide Hanger
Do avesso Inside out
Ferro de passar roupa Iron
Cesto de roupa Laundry basket
Táboa de passar Ironing board
Luvas de borracha Rubber gloves
Sabão Soap
Removedor de mancha Stain remover
Mancha Stain
Esticar Stretch out
Secar To dry
Desbotar To fade
Dobrar To fold
Passar roupa To iron
Encolher To shrink

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