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Spanish signs.jpg

¡Hola! 😊

Welcome to our lesson on "Spanish Vocabulary → Punctuation." In this lesson, we will explore the rules for writing punctuation marks in Spanish. Punctuation is essential for clear and effective communication, so mastering these rules will greatly improve your Spanish language skills.

After completing this lesson, feel free to explore other related topics to expand your Spanish vocabulary even further. You can learn about fruits in Spanish, dive into the world of Spanish kitchen vocabulary, or express your artistic side with our Spanish art vocabulary lesson.

Enjoy your learning journey, and let's get started with Spanish punctuation! 📚✍️

Coma[edit | edit source]


There is no space between the word and comma, a space after the comma, except for the decimal comma (2,5).

  • Example: El perro, el gato.

The dog, the cat.

Punto[edit | edit source]


There is no space between the word and the period. There is a a space after, except for numerals (10.457).

  • Example: El perro ladra. El gato maúlla.

The dog barks. The cat meows.

Punto y Coma[edit | edit source]


There is no space between the word and the semicolon and a space after.

  • Example: El gato es blanco; el perro es negro.

The cat is white; the dog is black.

Dos puntos[edit | edit source]

Two points

There is no space between the word and the colon, a space after.

  • Example: La sopa contiene: tomates y patatas

The soup contains: tomatoes and potatoes

Signos de interrogación / exclamación[edit | edit source]

interrogation/ exclamation signs

In Spanish these signs are required at the beginning and the end of the sentence. They are placed right next to the first and last word of the sentence, with no space.

The previous words and the words are separated by a space.

If the question mark / exclamation is followed by another punctuation mark, there is no space between.

  • Example: :¡Juan!, ¿son ya las siete?; es muy tarde.

Juan! it's already seven? It's too late.

The last question/exclamation sign is equivalent to a period when it is at the end of the sentence.

  • Example: Vi la película. ¡Qué susto!

I saw the movie. What a fright!

After the last question/exclamation mark, we can write any punctuation sign except the period. The following sentence must start with a lowercase letter.

  • Example: ¿Cómo fue la fiesta?, me hubiera gustado participar.

How was the party ?, I would have liked to participate

How to Type Spanish Signs?[edit | edit source]

Sign Type
¡ right Alt + 1
« right Alt + [
¿ right Alt + /
» right Alt + ]

Videos[edit | edit source]

Spanish Punctuation - YouTube[edit | edit source]

Spanish Ask a Teacher with Rosa - Spanish Punctuation? - YouTube[edit | edit source]

Punctuation Marks everyone needs to master in Spanish Grammar ...[edit | edit source]

Other Lessons[edit | edit source]


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