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SlovenianGrammar0 to A1 Course → Unit 7 - Advanced Grammar and Writing → Writing and composing simple texts

In this lesson, we will focus on the important skill of writing and composing simple texts in Slovenian. Being able to express your thoughts and ideas in writing is a crucial aspect of language learning, as it allows you to communicate effectively and confidently in various situations. Throughout this lesson, we will practice writing basic texts such as emails, letters, and short narratives, using all the grammar and vocabulary covered in the course so far. By the end of this lesson, you will have gained the necessary skills to write simple texts in Slovenian with ease.

Writing Emails[edit | edit source]

Emails have become a popular method of communication in today's digital age. They are used for various purposes, including personal and professional communication. Writing an email in Slovenian follows a similar structure to writing an email in other languages. Let's take a look at the key components of an email and some useful phrases to include:

1. Subject Line[edit | edit source]

The subject line is the first thing the recipient sees and should clearly indicate the purpose or topic of the email. It is important to choose a subject line that is concise, yet informative. Here are some examples:

  • Rezervacija sobe (Room reservation)
  • Vabilo na rojstno dnevno zabavo (Invitation to a birthday party)
  • Vprašanje glede vaše ponudbe (Question about your offer)

2. Greeting[edit | edit source]

The greeting is the opening of the email and sets the tone for the rest of the message. In Slovenian, the most common greeting is "Pozdravljeni" (Hello) or "Dragi" (Dear) followed by the recipient's name. Here are some examples:

  • Pozdravljeni, Marko! (Hello, Marko!)
  • Dragi gospod Novak, (Dear Mr. Novak,)
  • Pozdravljena, Ana! (Hello, Ana!)

3. Introduction[edit | edit source]

The introduction provides context and briefly explains the purpose of the email. Here, you can mention how you know the recipient or any relevant information. For example:

  • Hvala za vašo hitro odzivnost na moj prejšnji email. (Thank you for your prompt response to my previous email.)
  • Pišem v zvezi z vašo ponudbo na spletni strani. (I am writing regarding your offer on the website.)

4. Body[edit | edit source]

The body of the email contains the main content and should be clear, concise, and organized. Use paragraphs to separate different ideas or topics. Here are some phrases and expressions you can use:

  • Rad bi dobil več informacij o... (I would like to get more information about...)
  • Zanima me, ali imate na voljo... (I am interested to know if you have...)
  • Prosil bi vas, da mi posredujete... (I would kindly ask you to provide me with...)
  • Žal mi je, vendar moram odpovedati naš dogovor za... (I am sorry, but I have to cancel our appointment for...)

5. Closing[edit | edit source]

The closing of the email should be polite and professional. Common closing phrases include:

  • Hvala in lep pozdrav, (Thank you and best regards,)
  • Veselim se vašega odgovora, (I look forward to your reply,)
  • Lepo vas pozdravljam, (Best regards,)

6. Signature[edit | edit source]

The signature includes your name and contact information. It is a good practice to include your full name, phone number, and email address. For example:

  • Lep pozdrav, Mateja Novak
  • Best regards, Janez Novak
  • S spoštovanjem, Ana Kovač
  • Sincerely, Marko Novak

Now that we have covered the key components of an email, let's move on to writing letters in Slovenian.

Writing Letters[edit | edit source]

Writing a letter in Slovenian follows a similar structure to writing an email. However, letters are generally more formal and often used for official or business purposes. Let's explore the structure of a formal letter and some useful phrases to include:

1. Sender's Address[edit | edit source]

In the top left corner of the letter, write your full name, address, and contact information. For example:

``` Mateja Novak Prešernova ulica 15 1000 Ljubljana Slovenija Tel: 01 123 4567 Email: ```

2. Date[edit | edit source]

Below the sender's address, write the date of writing the letter. The format is day-month-year, for example:

``` 15. januar 2023 ```

3. Recipient's Address[edit | edit source]

On the right side of the page, below the sender's address, write the recipient's full name, address, and contact information. For example:

``` Gospod Janez Novak Trg republike 1 2000 Maribor Slovenija ```

4. Salutation[edit | edit source]

The salutation is the opening of the letter and should be formal. Use "Spoštovani" (Dear) followed by the recipient's title and last name, for example:

``` Spoštovani gospod Novak, (Dear Mr. Novak,) Spoštovana gospa Kovač, (Dear Mrs. Kovač,) Spoštovana profesorica Novak, (Dear Professor Novak,) ```

5. Introduction[edit | edit source]

The introduction provides context and briefly explains the purpose of the letter. Here, you can mention any previous correspondence or relevant information. For example:

  • V zvezi z vašim oglasom v časopisu... (Regarding your advertisement in the newspaper...)
  • Pišem v imenu podjetja XYZ... (I am writing on behalf of company XYZ...)
  • Vljudno vas prosim, da mi posredujete... (I kindly ask you to provide me with...)

6. Body[edit | edit source]

The body of the letter contains the main content and should be clear, concise, and organized. Use paragraphs to separate different ideas or topics. Here are some phrases and expressions you can use:

  • V zvezi z našim pogovorom... (In relation to our conversation...)
  • S tem dopisom vam pošiljam... (With this letter, I am sending you...)
  • V prilogi vam pošiljam... (Attached, I am sending you...)
  • Zahvaljujem se vam za sestanek v... (Thank you for the meeting in...)

7. Closing[edit | edit source]

The closing of the letter should be formal and polite. Common closing phrases include:

  • S spoštovanjem, (Yours sincerely,)
  • S spoštovanjem, (Respectfully,)
  • Lep pozdrav, (Best regards,)

8. Signature[edit | edit source]

Below the closing, leave a few lines for your handwritten signature. Then, type your full name below the signature. For example:

``` [Handwritten signature] Mateja Novak ```

Now that we have covered the basics of writing emails and letters, let's move on to writing short narratives in Slovenian.

Writing Short Narratives[edit | edit source]

Writing short narratives allows you to express your creativity and practice using different tenses and vocabulary in context. Whether it's a fictional story or a personal anecdote, the structure of a short narrative remains consistent. Let's explore the key elements of a short narrative and some useful phrases to include:

1. Introduction[edit | edit source]

The introduction sets the scene and introduces the main characters or events. Here, you can provide background information or a brief overview of the story. For example:

  • V majhnem mestu na podeželju... (In a small town in the countryside...)
  • Pred mnogimi leti, ko sem bil še otrok... (Many years ago, when I was still a child...)
  • Nekoč v oddaljeni deželi... (Once upon a time in a distant land...)

2. Body[edit | edit source]

The body of the narrative is where the main events and actions take place. Use descriptive language and vivid details to engage the reader. Here are some phrases and expressions you can use:

  • Medtem ko sem se sprehajal po gozdu... (While I was walking through the forest...)
  • Vsak dan sem hodil na isto pot... (Every day, I walked the same path...)
  • V trenutku sem se znašel v neznani deželi... (In an instant, I found myself in an unknown land...)

3. Conclusion[edit | edit source]

The conclusion brings the narrative to a close and often includes a reflection or moral of the story. It should provide a sense of closure for the reader. For example:

  • In tako sem spoznal, da... (And that's how I realized that...)
  • Od takrat naprej sem vedel, da... (From that moment on, I knew that...)
  • Zgodba se konča, vendar se spomini nikoli ne bodo izbrisali... (The story ends, but the memories will never fade...)

Exercises[edit | edit source]

Now it's time to put your writing skills to the test! Choose one of the following scenarios and write an email, letter, or short narrative based on the given prompt. Use the grammar and vocabulary covered in the course to express yourself accurately and effectively. Remember to pay attention to the structure and key components of each type of text.

Scenario 1: Email[edit | edit source]

You recently visited Slovenia and had a wonderful experience. Write an email to your friend, sharing your impressions and recommending places to visit.

Scenario 2: Letter[edit | edit source]

You are applying for a job in Slovenia and need to write a formal letter of application. Write a letter to the hiring manager, introducing yourself, stating your qualifications, and expressing your interest in the position.

Scenario 3: Short Narrative[edit | edit source]

Write a short narrative about a memorable experience you had while traveling in Slovenia. Include details about the location, the people you met, and the impact it had on you.

Solutions[edit | edit source]

Here are some possible solutions for the exercises:

Scenario 1: Email[edit | edit source]

Subject: Navdušujoča izkušnja v Sloveniji (Exciting experience in Slovenia)

Pozdravljena Ana,

Upam, da se imaš dobro! Pišem ti, da ti delim svoje vtise o svojem nedavnem obisku Slovenije. Moram reči, da sem bil popolnoma navdušen nad to čudovito deželo.

Najprej sem obiskal Ljubljano, glavno mesto Slovenije. To je eno najlepših evropskih mest, polno zgodovine in kulture. Sprehajal sem se po starem mestnem jedru, občudoval čudovito arhitekturo in užival v odlični hrani v lokalnih restavracijah.

Naslednja postaja je bil Bled, ki je znan po svojem slikovitem jezeru in cerkvi na otoku. Najemil sem čoln in se odpeljal do otoka, kjer sem lahko doživel pravo miren in romantičen trenutek.

Končno sem obiskal Triglavski narodni park, ki je pravi raj za ljubitelje narave. Hodil sem po planinskih poteh, občudoval prelepe razglede in se osvežil v kristalno čisti vodi reke Soče.

Vsekakor ti priporočam, da obiščeš Slovenijo. Je majhna dežela, vendar polna presenečenj in neokrnjene narave. Prepričan sem, da boš tudi ti navdušena nad vsemi lepotami, ki jih ponuja.

Lep pozdrav, Marko

Scenario 2: Letter[edit | edit source]

Spoštovani gospod Novak,

Pišem v zvezi s prosto delovno mesto, ki ste ga objavili na vaši spletni strani. Z zanimanjem sem prebral o delovnih obveznostih in pogojih ter se odločil, da se prijavim za to delovno mesto.

Imam večletne izkušnje na področju prodaje in odlične komunikacijske sposobnosti. V preteklosti sem uspešno vodil ekipo prodajnih svetovalcev in dosegal zastavljene prodajne cilje. Verjamem, da bi s svojimi veščinami in znanjem lahko pomagal podjetju XYZ doseči še večji uspeh.

Poleg tega sem zelo motiviran za pridobivanje novih znanj in nenehno izboljševanje svojih veščin. Sem samoiniciativen, samostojen in se dobro znajdem v dinamičnem delovnem okolju.

Prilagam svoj življenjepis in priporočila prejšnjih delodajalcev. Veselim se priložnosti za osebni razgovor, kjer bi lahko podrobneje predstavil svoje izkušnje in motivacijo za to delovno mesto.

Hvala za vašo pozornost. Upam, da se slišiva kmalu.

S spoštovanjem, Janez Kovač

Scenario 3: Short Narrative[edit | edit source]

Nekoč v oddaljeni deželi, v majhnem mestu na podeželju Slovenije, sem doživel eno najbolj čarobnih izkušenj v svojem življenju. Odpravil sem se na potovanje s prijatelji, ne da bi vedel, da bo to postalo nepozabna pustolovščina.

Naša destinacija je bil Bohinj, slikovito jezersko mesto ob vznožju Julijskih Alp. Ko smo prispeli, smo se odločili, da bomo najeli čolne in raziskali jezero. Sonce je sijalo na nebu, voda je bila kristalno čista, in vsak val nas je ziblje v mirno in sproščeno razpoloženje.

Ko smo se veslali po jezeru, smo opazili majhen otok na sredini. Bili smo radovedni in se odločili, da ga obiščemo. Ko smo prispeli na otok, smo odkrili staro cerkvico, obkroženo z bujnim zelenjem. Vstopili smo in v notranjosti naleteli na nepričakovano presenečenje - poroko!

Mladoporočenca sta naju povabila, da se pridruživa njuni slovesnosti. Bila je preprosta, a čudovita poroka, polna ljubezni in veselja. Zaplesali smo skupaj s preostalimi gosti in se pridružili praznovanju.

Po končani poroki smo se poslovili od mladoporočencev in se vrnili na kopno. Odšli smo na sprehod ob jezeru in se zahvalili za tako nepozabno izkušnjo. Čeprav smo bili le naključni obiskovalci, smo se počutili kot del nečesa posebnega.

To doživetje me je naučilo, da so najbolj čarobni trenutki pogosto tisti, ki se pojavijo nenadoma in brez pričakovanj. In tako sem spoznal, da je Slovenija dežela, polna skritih kotičkov, ki čakajo, da jih odkrijemo.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

In this lesson, we have explored the art of writing and composing simple texts in Slovenian. We have covered the key components of writing emails, letters, and short narratives, and practiced using them in various scenarios. Remember to pay attention to the structure, grammar, and vocabulary when writing in Slovenian. With practice and dedication, you will be able to express yourself confidently and effectively in written form. Keep up the great work, and continue to expand your language skills!

Table of Contents - Slovenian Course - 0 to A1[edit source]

Greetings and Introductions

Nouns and Pronouns

Numbers and Time

Verbs and Tenses

Food and Drink

Adjectives and Adverbs

Travel and Transportation

Prepositions and Conjunctions

Hobbies and Free Time

Slovenian Customs and Traditions

Other Lessons[edit | edit source]


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