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Adjectives used as adverbs without addition of —ment

Not all adverbs derived from adjectives end in -ment. The masculine forms of several adjectives can be used as adverbs in combination with a particular set of verbs. They do not change in gender or in number when used in this way: Adjective Used in expressions such as:

French adjective French Expression English translation
bas parler bas to talk quietly
voler bas to fly low
bon sentir bon to smell nice
tenir bon to hold on
chaud servir chaud to serve hot
cher coûter cher to cost a lot
payer cher to pay a lot (for sth)
clair voir clair to see clearly
court tourner court to come to an abrupt end
couper court à qch to cut sth short
s'habiller court to wear one's skirts/dresses short
creux sonner creux to ring hollow
doux filer doux to keep a low profile
droit aller droit to go straight on
dru tomber dru to fall in stair-rods (rain)
dur travailler dur to work hard
faux  chanter faux to sing out of tune
ferme tenir ferme to hold out
fort parler fort to talk loudly
frais servir frais to serve cool
franc parler franc to say what you think
gras manger gras to eat rich food
gros parier gros to bet heavily
risquer gros to take big risks
haut être haut placé to be in a position of authority
juste viser juste to aim correctly
deviner juste to guess right
lourd peser lourd to weigh heavily
mauvais sentir mauvais to smell bad
net s'arrêter net to stop dead
casser net to make a clean break
pareil penser pareil to think the same
profond creuser profond to dig deep
serré jouer serré to play a close game

The fact that some of these adjectives are used as adverbs has allowed the creation of related forms ending in -ment with different meanings:

  • bon: bonnement

bonnement is used almost always with tout to give tout bonnement: 'quite simply'

  • cher: chèrement

chèrement is used with the verb vendre in the set phrase: vendre chèrement sa vie: 'to sell one's life dearly'.

  • bas: basement

bassement has taken the meaning: 'in a mean or despicable way' and is used in the set phrase agir bassement: 'to act in a mean or despicable way'.

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