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RomanianVocabulary0 to A1 Course → Family and Friends → Family Members

In this lesson, we will focus on learning the vocabulary for family members in Romanian. Understanding family relationships is an important part of any language, as it allows us to communicate about our loved ones and understand the dynamics within a family. By the end of this lesson, you will be able to confidently talk about your family members and address them correctly in Romanian.

Family Members in Romanian

Let's begin by learning the basic vocabulary for family members in Romanian. Take a look at the table below:

Romanian Pronunciation English
mamă [maːmə] mother
tată [taːtə] father
frate [ˈfra.te] brother
soră [ˈso.rə] sister
bunic [ˈbu.nik] grandfather
bunică [ˈə] grandmother
unchi [ˈ] uncle
mătușă [məˈtu.ʃə] aunt
verișor [ve.ˈri.sor] cousin (male)
verișoară [ve.ˈə] cousin (female)

Now, let's go into more detail about each family member and explore some useful phrases and expressions related to them.

Mother – Mamă

The word for mother in Romanian is "mamă" and it is pronounced as [maːmə]. The word "mamă" is a term of endearment and is commonly used to address one's mother. You can also use the word "mama" to refer to your mother in an informal setting.

Here are some example sentences using the word "mamă":

  • "Mama mea se numește Ana." (My mother's name is Ana.)
  • "Mama mea gătește foarte bine." (My mother cooks very well.)

Father – Tată

The word for father in Romanian is "tată" and it is pronounced as [taːtə]. The word "tată" is a formal term used to address one's father. In an informal setting, you can use the word "tata".

Here are some example sentences using the word "tată":

  • "Tatăl meu lucrează într-o bancă." (My father works at a bank.)
  • "Tatăl meu este foarte mândru de mine." (My father is very proud of me.)

Brother – Frate

The word for brother in Romanian is "frate" and it is pronounced as [ˈfra.te]. The word "frate" is used to refer to a male sibling. If you have more than one brother, you can use the plural form "frați".

Here are some example sentences using the word "frate":

  • "Am un frate mai mare." (I have an older brother.)
  • "Eu și frații mei mergem deseori la fotbal." (My brothers and I often go play soccer.)

Sister – Soră

The word for sister in Romanian is "soră" and it is pronounced as [ˈso.rə]. The word "soră" is used to refer to a female sibling. If you have more than one sister, you can use the plural form "surori".

Here are some example sentences using the word "soră":

  • "Am o soră mai mică." (I have a younger sister.)
  • "Eu și surorile mele ne înțelegem foarte bine." (My sisters and I get along very well.)

Grandfather – Bunic

The word for grandfather in Romanian is "bunic" and it is pronounced as [ˈbu.nik]. The word "bunic" is used to refer to a paternal grandfather. For a maternal grandfather, the word "bunic" is used with a possessive pronoun to indicate the relationship.

Here are some example sentences using the word "bunic":

  • "Bunicul meu are 80 de ani." (My grandfather is 80 years old.)
  • "Merg des în vizită la bunici." (I often visit my grandparents.)

Grandmother – Bunică

The word for grandmother in Romanian is "bunică" and it is pronounced as [ˈə]. The word "bunică" is used to refer to a paternal grandmother. For a maternal grandmother, the word "bunică" is used with a possessive pronoun to indicate the relationship.

Here are some example sentences using the word "bunică":

  • "Bunica mea face cele mai bune prăjituri." (My grandmother makes the best cakes.)
  • "Bunica mea îmi spune mereu povești din copilărie." (My grandmother always tells me stories from her childhood.)

Uncle – Unchi

The word for uncle in Romanian is "unchi" and it is pronounced as [ˈ]. The word "unchi" is used to refer to a paternal uncle. For a maternal uncle, the word "unchi" is used with a possessive pronoun to indicate the relationship.

Here are some example sentences using the word "unchi":

  • "Unchiul meu este foarte amuzant." (My uncle is very funny.)
  • "Am mulți unchi și mătuși." (I have many uncles and aunts.)

Aunt – Mătușă

The word for aunt in Romanian is "mătușă" and it is pronounced as [məˈtu.ʃə]. The word "mătușă" is used to refer to a paternal aunt. For a maternal aunt, the word "mătușă" is used with a possessive pronoun to indicate the relationship.

Here are some example sentences using the word "mătușă":

  • "Mătușa mea este profesoară." (My aunt is a teacher.)
  • "Merg des în vizită la mătușile mele." (I often visit my aunts.)

Cousin – Verișor/Verișoară

The word for cousin in Romanian is "verișor" for male cousins and "verișoară" for female cousins. They are pronounced as [ve.ˈri.sor] and [ve.ˈə] respectively. The plural forms are "verișori" and "verișoare".

Here are some example sentences using the word "verișor" and "verișoară":

  • "Am mulți verișori și verișoare." (I have many cousins.)
  • "Mergem adesea la petrecerile verișorilor noștri." (We often go to our cousins' parties.)

Cultural Insights

Family is highly valued in Romanian culture, and it plays a central role in the lives of Romanians. The concept of family extends beyond immediate relatives to include extended family members, such as cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. It is common for families to gather for special occasions and celebrations, and these gatherings often involve large meals and traditional Romanian dishes.

In Romanian, there are specific words to differentiate between paternal and maternal relatives. For example, "bunic" is used to refer to a paternal grandfather, while "bunică" is used for a paternal grandmother. To refer to maternal grandparents, possessive pronouns are added to indicate the relationship. This attention to detail in familial terminology reflects the importance of family connections in Romanian culture.

Romanian naming traditions also reflect the significance of family. It is common for children to be named after their grandparents or other relatives as a way of honoring family ties and preserving family history. This practice serves to strengthen the bond between generations and foster a sense of continuity and tradition.

Exercise: Family Members

Now, let's practice what we've learned. Complete the following sentences with the appropriate family member in Romanian:

1. Tatăl meu se numește _____________. (My father's name is _______.) 2. Am doi __________: un frate și o soră. (I have two __________: one brother and one sister.) 3. Bunicul meu locuiește într-un __________ mic la țară. (My grandfather lives in a small __________ in the countryside.) 4. Mătușa mea este medic și lucrează la un spital __________. (My aunt is a doctor and works at a __________ hospital.) 5. Verișoara mea și cu mine suntem foarte ___________. (My cousin and I are very __________.)

Solutions: 1. Tatăl meu se numește Ion. (My father's name is Ion.) 2. Am doi frați: un frate și o soră. (I have two brothers: one brother and one sister.) 3. Bunicul meu locuiește într-un sat mic la țară. (My grandfather lives in a small village in the countryside.) 4. Mătușa mea este medic și lucrează la un spital mare. (My aunt is a doctor and works at a big hospital.) 5. Verișoara mea și cu mine suntem foarte apropiate. (My cousin and I are very close.)


Congratulations! You have successfully learned the vocabulary for family members in Romanian. You can now confidently talk about your family members and address them correctly in Romanian. Keep practicing and using these words in your conversations to reinforce your understanding and improve your fluency in Romanian.

In the next lesson, we will delve into describing relationships in Romanian, including terms for friend, best friend, and partner. See you there!

Table of Contents - Romanian Course - 0 to A1

Greetings and Introductions

Pronouns and Verbs

Numbers and Time

Adjectives and Adverbs

Family and Friends

Prepositions and Conjunctions

Food and Drinks

Questions and Negations

Locations and Directions

Plurals and Articles

Hobbies and Activities

Romanian Culture and Traditions

Imperatives and Requests

Travel and Transportation

Romanian Geography and History


How to Talk about Your Family in Romanian? - YouTube

My Family | Familia mea | Romanian Language Lesson - YouTube


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