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Romanian Vocabulary - Education

Hi Romanian learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will explore some vocabulary related to education in Romanian. Learning a language is not just about memorizing words and grammar rules, but also about understanding the culture and customs of the people who speak it. So, as a Romanian language teacher with 20 years of experience, I will include cultural information and interesting facts in this lesson to make it more enjoyable and informative. Don't forget to practice your pronunciation by listening to the audio files and use the Find native speakers and ask them any questions you may have about the language. Are you ready to expand your Romanian vocabulary related to education? 😎 Let's get started!

Basic education[edit | edit source]

Starting with the basics, let's see some Romanian words that are commonly used in the educational system:

Romanian Pronunciation English
școală [ʃko̯a'lə] school
clasă ['kla.sə] class
învățător [ɨm.vɨtsə'tor] teacher (primary education)
profesor [pro.fe'sor] teacher (secondary education)
elev ['e.lev] student
notă ['no.tə] grade (mark)

Now let's see these words in context in a dialogue:

  • Person 1: Bună dimineața, doamnă învățătoare! (<Good morning, primary teacher!>)
  • Person 2: Bună dimineața, Andrei! (<Good morning, Andrei!>)

Note that in Romanian, it's common to use the honorifics "domn" or "doamnă" followed by the job title when addressing someone, especially in a professional context.

Higher education[edit | edit source]

Moving to higher education, let's see some more specialized terms:

Romanian Pronunciation English
universitate ['te] university
facultate [fa.kul'ta.te] faculty
student universitar ['stu.dent uni.versi'tar] university student
masterat [mas.te'rat] master's degree
doctorat ['rat] Ph.D. (doctorate)

Here's a dialogue to help you practice these words:

  • Person 1: Ce facultate ai absolvit? (<What faculty did you graduate from?>)
  • Person 2: Am terminat Facultatea de Medicină. ()

Also, note that in Romania, it's customary to address professors and doctors with the title "domnul" or "doamna" followed by their last name.

Subjects[edit | edit source]

Now that we've covered the educational system and some higher education terms let's see some subjects commonly taught in Romania:

Romanian Pronunciation English
limba română [' ro.'mɨ.nə] Romanian language
matematică ['ti.kə] Mathematics
Istoria României [is'to.ri.ja ro.'mɨ.nij] Romanian history
științe sociale ['ʃ͡se so.'t͡ʃje.le] Social sciences
geografie [d͡ʒe.o.gra'fi.e] Geography
biologie [bi.o.lo'ʤi.e] Biology
chimie [ki'mi.e] Chemistry

Let's see these words in a dialogue:

  • Person 1: Care este materia ta preferată? (<What's your favorite subject?>)
  • Person 2: Îmi place limba română și matematica. ()

Idiomatic expressions[edit | edit source]

Lastly, here are some Romanian idiomatic expressions related to education:

Romanian Pronunciation English
a învăța cu burta [a ɨm.vɨ'tsa kʊ 'bur.ta] to learn by heart (literally, "to learn with the stomach")
a nu avea carte de/mână [a nu a'vea kar.te de/ma.'nə] to be illiterate (literally, "to not have book/hand")

Let's see an example of how to use these expressions in context:

  • Person 1: Ce bine ai scris la examen! (<You did so well on the exam!>)
  • Person 2: Da, m-am străduit să învăț cu burta. (<Yes, I tried to learn by heart.>)

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Congratulations! You've just learned some Romanian vocabulary related to education. Don't forget to practice these words with a native speaker to improve your pronunciation and to visit the Polyglot Club website to find more resources to enhance your learning experience. Whether you want to enroll in a Romanian language course or visit Romania to experience its rich culture, expanding your language skills will help you achieve your goals. Și acum, la revedere! (<And now, goodbye!>)

➡ If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below.
➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

Sources[edit | edit source]

Having concluded this lesson, consider checking out these related pages: How to say Good Bye? & How to Say Hello and Greetings.

Videos[edit | edit source]

Learn English for Romanian Speakers, Vocabulary, Education ...[edit | edit source]

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