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Romanian Vocabulary - Health

Hi Romanian learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn important Romanian vocabulary relating to health. It's important to know these words if you ever need to see a doctor or if you want to talk about your health with someone. Let's get started!

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Basic Health Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

Let's start with some basic vocabulary words that are essential for describing symptoms and common health problems.

Romanian Pronunciation English
Durere door-reh Pain
Sănătate suh-nuh-tuh-teh Health
Frig frij Cold
Gripă gree-puh Flu
Febră feh-bra Fever
Tuse too-seh Cough
Oboseală oh-boh-seh-uh-luh Tiredness/Fatigue
Răceală ruh-chee-uh-luh Common cold

Here is an example dialogue to show how you can use these words in conversation:

  • Person 1: Am dureri de cap. (I have a headache.)
  • Person 2: Ai febră și tuse? (Do you have a fever and cough?)
  • Person 1: Nu, am doar dureri de cap și oboseală. (No, I just have a headache and fatigue.)

Vocabulary for Medical Professionals[edit | edit source]

If you ever need to see a doctor or medical professional, these vocabulary words will come in handy:

Romanian Pronunciation English
Medic meh-dik Doctor
Pacient pah-chee-ent Patient
Analize ah-nah-lee-zeh Tests
Prescripție preh-skrip-tsyeh Prescription
Tratament truh-tuh-ment Treatment
Rețetă reh-tseh-tuh Recipe
Durere de dinți door-reh deh deentz Toothache
Pastilă pah-stee-luh Pill

Here is an example dialogue to show how these words may be used:

  • Person 1: Mi-am rupt piciorul și am dureri cumplite. (I broke my leg and have terrible pain.)
  • Medic: Te voi trimite pentru analize și îți voi da o prescripție pentru tratament. (I will send you for tests and give you a prescription for treatment.)
  • Person 1: Mulțumesc mult, doctore. (Thank you very much, doctor.)

Vocabulary for Common Health Issues[edit | edit source]

Romania has a rich culture and history, but it's important to also be aware of some common health issues that may arise. Below are some vocabulary words that relate to these topics:

Mental Health[edit | edit source]

Romania is known for its beautiful nature and vibrant cities, but mental health is a topic that is sometimes not discussed enough. It's important to have the vocabulary required to talk about this subject:

Romanian Pronunciation English
Tulburare de anxietate tool-boo-rah-reh deh ahn-ksee-eh-tah-teh Anxiety disorder
Depresie deh-preh-see-eh Depression
Psiholog psee-hoh-lohg Psychologist
Psihiatru psee-hyah-troo Psychiatrist

Here's an example dialogue to show how these words would be used:

  • Person 1: Am avut o tulburare de anxietate. (I had an anxiety disorder.)
  • Psiholog: Vă pot ajuta să depășiți această problemă. (I can help you overcome this problem.)
  • Person 1: Mulțumesc pentru ajutor, domnule psiholog. (Thank you for your help, Mr. Psychologist.)

Women's Health[edit | edit source]

Women's health is an important topic, no matter where you go. Here are some vocabulary words to describe certain issues:

Romanian Pronunciation English
Menstruație mehn-stroo-uh-tzyeh Menstruation
Sarcină suhr-chee-nuh Pregnancy
Contracepție kon-truh-tsehp-tsyeh Contraception
Avort ah-vort Abortion

Here's an example dialogue to show how these words would be used:

  • Person 1: Nu-mi vine menstruația. (My period hasn't come.)
  • Person 2: Ai fost evaluată pentru sarcină? (Have you been evaluated for pregnancy?)
  • Person 1: Nu, încă sunt tineră și nu am nevoie de contracepție. (No, I'm still young and don't need contraception.)

Cultural Tip[edit | edit source]

Did you know that Romania has a universal healthcare system? This means that all citizens, regardless of their financial or social status, have access to quality healthcare services. Romania also has a long tradition of using natural remedies to heal common ailments. Herbs such as valerian root, chamomile, and St. John's Wort are used to treat things such as anxiety and depression, while honey and propolis are used to treat sore throats and other respiratory issues.

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