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Swedish Vocabulary → Travel and directions → Means of transportation

As a traveler in Sweden, it's important to be able to communicate about transportation. Whether you're using public transport or renting a car, knowing how to ask for directions and find your way around is essential. In this lesson, you will learn how to talk about different means of transportation in Swedish and use them in sentences.

After mastering this lesson, these related pages might interest you: Education & How to talk about a person's appearance or personality.

Common means of transportation

Below are some common ways to get around in Sweden:

  • Bil - Car
  • Buss - Bus
  • Flygplan - Airplane
  • Spårvagn - Tram
  • Tåg - Train
  • Taxi - Taxi

Talking about transportation

When you're discussing transportation with someone, there are several phrases and questions you should know:

  • Hur tar jag mig till...? - How do I get to...?
  • Vilka bussar går till...? - What buses go to...?
  • Hur ofta går tågen? - How often do the trains go?
  • När går sista bussen/tåget/spårvagnen? - When is the last bus/train/tram?
  • Var kan jag köpa en biljett? - Where can I buy a ticket?
  • Hur mycket kostar en biljett? - How much does a ticket cost?
  • Var ligger busstationen/tågstationen/spårvagnshållplatsen? - Where is the bus/train/tram station?


You can use the phrases above to ask for information:

  • Hur tar jag mig till centralstationen? - How do I get to the central station?
  • Vilken buss går till slottet? - What bus goes to the castle?
  • När går sista tåget till Göteborg? - When is the last train to Gothenburg?
  • Var kan jag köpa en biljett till flygplatsen? - Where can I buy a ticket to the airport?
  • Hur mycket kostar en taxiresa till hotellet? - How much does a taxi ride to the hotel cost?

You can also use them to give information:

  • Du kan ta buss nummer 17 till centralstationen. - You can take bus number 17 to the central station.
  • Tågen går varje halvtimme. - The trains go every half an hour.
  • Den sista spårvagnen går klockan 23. - The last tram goes at 11 PM.
  • Du kan köpa en biljett på automaten i entrén. - You can buy a ticket at the machine in the entrance.
  • Det kostar ungefär 400 kronor att åka taxi till hotellet. - It costs about 400 SEK to take a taxi to the hotel.


In this lesson, you have learned how to talk about different means of transportation in Swedish and how to use them in sentences. You have also learned some useful phrases and questions for getting information about transportation. With this knowledge, you will be able to navigate your way around Sweden with ease.


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