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Italian Vocabulary - Science and Technology > Environment and Ecology


In this lesson, you will learn Italian vocabulary related to environment and ecology. You will learn the names of different ecosystems, natural resources, and environmental problems. Learning this vocabulary will help you understand and discuss environmental issues, which is becoming increasingly important in our world.



The forest is an ecosystem dominated by trees. It plays an important role in regulating the earth's climate by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Italian Pronunciation English
La foresta la for-eh-sta The forest


The prato is a grassland ecosystem. It is characterized by rolling hills and wide, open spaces.

Italian Pronunciation English
Il prato il praa-to The grassland


The river is an aquatic ecosystem that is home to a variety of plant and animal species. It provides water for drinking, irrigation, and other human activities, but it can also be polluted by industrial waste and agricultural runoff, causing harm to its inhabitants and the environment.

Italian Pronunciation English
Il fiume il fee-u-meh The river

Natural Resources


Aria means air in Italian. It is a natural resource that is essential for life, but it can become polluted by industrial emissions and other human activities, causing negative health effects and environmental damage.

Italian Pronunciation English
L'aria lar-ee-ah The air


Acqua means water in Italian. It is a natural resource that is essential for human and animal life. However, due to pollution from industry and agriculture, access to clean water is becoming increasingly scarce.

Italian Pronunciation English
L'acqua lac-koo-ah The water


Foresta, meaning forest, is also an important natural resource. It provides habitat for a variety of plant and animal species, plays a crucial role in reducing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and provides wood for building and other uses.

Italian Pronunciation English
La foresta la for-eh-sta The forest

Environmental Problems

Riscaldamento globale

Riscaldamento globale means global warming in Italian. It is caused by the increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which traps heat and causes the earth's temperature to rise. This can lead to extreme weather events, rising sea level, and other climate-related problems.

Italian Pronunciation English
Il riscaldamento globale il ree-skal-da-men-to glo-bah-leh Global warming


Inquinamento means pollution in Italian. It is caused by the release of harmful substances into the environment, such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter. Air, water, and soil pollution can cause a variety of health problems for humans and animals, and can damage the environment.

Italian Pronunciation English
L'inquinamento leen-kwee-na-men-to Pollution

Disastro ambientale

Disastro ambientale means environmental disaster in Italian. This occurs when unexpected events such as oil spills, industrial accidents, or natural disasters cause significant harm to the environment, wildlife, and humans.

Italian Pronunciation English
Il disastro ambientale il dee-sas-tro am-bee-en-ta-leh Environmental disaster


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