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Italian Vocabulary - Arts and Design > Fashion and Design

Introduction[edit | edit source]

Italian fashion and design are renowned worldwide for their quality, elegance, and creativity. Italian fashion represents style, luxury, and class. Italian fashion designers have dominated the fashion industry since the 1950s, offering a unique blend of traditional craftsmanship with contemporary trends. This lesson will introduce you to the vocabulary related to Italian fashion and design.

With the completion of this lesson, consider investigating these related pages: Adverbs in Italian & Numbers and Dates.

Fashion and Design Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

Below you can find some of the essential Italian vocabulary related to fashion and design. Make sure to practice the pronunciation and memorize the words as you learn them.

Italian Pronunciation English
La moda lah moh-dah Fashion
Lo stile loh stee-leh Style
L'abbigliamento lab-bee-lyah-mehn-toh Clothing
La sfilata lah sfee-lah-tah Fashion show
Il brand eel brand Brand
Lo stilista / La stilista loh stee-lee-stah / lah stee-lee-stah Fashion designer
La collezione lah koh-leh-tsyoh-neh Collection
La pelletteria lah pehl-leht-teh-ryah Leather goods
La borsa lah bor-sah Bag
Le scarpe leh skahr-peh Shoes
Gli occhiali da sole ly ohk-kyah-lee dah soh-leh Sunglasses
Il profumo eel proh-foo-moh Perfume
La seta lah seh-tah Silk
Il lino eel lee-noh Linen
Il cotone eel koh-toh-neh Cotton
La lana lah lah-nah Wool
Lo stilista di moda loh stee-lee-stah dee moh-dah Fashion designer
Il dress code eel dress koh-deh Dress code
La moda etica lah moh-dah eh-tee-kah Ethical fashion
Le taglie leh tah-lyeh Sizes

Famous Italian Fashion Brands[edit | edit source]

Italy is home to many world-renowned fashion brands that have contributed to making Italian fashion a global phenomenon. Here are some of the most famous Italian fashion brands:

  • Armani
  • Gucci
  • Versace
  • Prada
  • Dolce & Gabbana
  • Fendi
  • Valentino

Italian Fashion Icons[edit | edit source]

Italy has produced several fashion icons who have contributed to the success of Italian fashion worldwide. Here are some of the most famous Italian fashion icons:

  • Giovanni Versace
  • Sophia Loren
  • Giorgio Armani
  • Roberto Cavalli
  • Mario Valentino
  • Franca Sozzani

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Clothing and fashion are an essential part of Italian culture, and Italian fashion has contributed to shaping the industry worldwide. With this lesson, you have learned some essential vocabulary related to Italian fashion and design that will help you better understand this fascinating world. Keep practicing your Italian language skills and discover more about Italian culture and tradition.

Sources[edit | edit source]

Well done on mastering this lesson! Don't miss these related pages to expand your knowledge: Dinner Table & Visual Arts.

Other Lessons[edit | edit source]

Videos[edit | edit source]

ITALIAN PRONUNCIATION - FASHION Are you saying CHIARA ...[edit | edit source]

Sources[edit | edit source]

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