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Manner adverbs

Adverbs which describe the manner in which something is done are manner adverbs:

  • Je dors bien

I sleep well

  • Les choses tournent mal

Things are turning out badly

TABLE: Typical manner adverbs



Representative examples:

  • Il s'est toujours comporté ainsi

He always behaved like that

  • Tu chantes bien

You sing well

  • Mets-toi debout

Stand up

  • Il a mal lu l'étiquette

He misread the label

  • Hier soir ça n'allait guère mieux

It was hardly any better yesterday evening

  • Je l'oublierai très facilement

I'll forget it very easily

  • Elle étendait soigneusement son tailleur

She carefully laid out her suit

Video: How to form French Adverbs of Manner


French Lesson 99 - Adverbs of manner - YouTube

How to form French Adverbs of Manner - YouTube

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