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RussianVocabulary0 to A1 Course → Food and Dining → Common Foods


In this lesson, we will explore the Russian vocabulary related to common foods. Food is an essential part of any culture, and Russian cuisine is known for its rich flavors and hearty dishes. By learning the Russian words for various foods, you will be able to navigate menus, shop for groceries, and engage in conversations about food with native speakers. So let's dive in and discover the delicious world of Russian cuisine!

Fruits and Vegetables


Russian cuisine boasts a wide variety of fruits, both fresh and dried. Here are some common fruits and their Russian translations:

Russian Pronunciation English Translation
яблоко yabloko apple
банан banana banana
груша grusha pear
апельсин apelsin orange
вишня vishnya cherry
клубника klubnika strawberry
виноград vinograd grape


Vegetables play a crucial role in Russian cuisine, often used in soups, salads, and main dishes. Here are some common vegetables and their Russian translations:

Russian Pronunciation English Translation
морковь markov' carrot
картофель kartofel' potato
свекла svekla beetroot
помидор pomidor tomato
огурец ogurets cucumber
капуста kapusta cabbage
лук luk onion

Meats and Seafood


Russian cuisine is known for its hearty meat dishes. Here are some common meats and their Russian translations:

Russian Pronunciation English Translation
говядина govyadina beef
свинина svinina pork
курица kuritsa chicken
баранина baranina lamb
рыба ryba fish
мясо myaso meat
колбаса kolbasa sausage


With its extensive coastline, Russia offers a wide variety of seafood options. Here are some common types of seafood and their Russian translations:

Russian Pronunciation English Translation
креветка krevetka shrimp
лосось losos' salmon
устрица ustritsa oyster
кальмар kal'mar squid
рак rak crab
мидия midiya mussel
осьминог os'minog octopus

Grains and Bread


Grains are a staple in Russian cuisine, often used in traditional dishes like porridge and bread. Here are some common grains and their Russian translations:

Russian Pronunciation English Translation
рис ris rice
пшеница pshenitsa wheat
гречка grechka buckwheat
овес oves oats
ячмень yachmen' barley
кукуруза kukuruza corn
мука muka flour


Bread holds a special place in Russian culture and is a staple in every Russian meal. Here are some common types of bread and their Russian translations:

Russian Pronunciation English Translation
хлеб khleb bread
ржаной rzhanoi rye bread
батон baton baguette
пирог pirog pie
булочка bulochka roll
булка bulkа bun
каравай karavai festive bread

Dairy and Eggs

Dairy Products

Dairy products are widely consumed in Russian cuisine and are often used in baking and cooking. Here are some common dairy products and their Russian translations:

Russian Pronunciation English Translation
молоко moloko milk
сыр syr cheese
йогурт yogurt yogurt
творог tvorog cottage cheese
сметана smetana sour cream
масло maslo butter
йогурт kislomoloko kefir


Eggs are a versatile ingredient in Russian cuisine and are used in various dishes. Here are some common words related to eggs in Russian:

Russian Pronunciation English Translation
яйцо yaytso egg
яичница yaichnitsa scrambled eggs
омлет omelet omelette
вареное яйцо varennoye yaytso boiled egg
яйца пашот yaytsa pashot poached eggs
яйца вкрутую yaytsa vkrutuyu fried eggs


Russian beverages range from traditional teas to alcoholic drinks. Here are some common Russian beverages and their translations:

Russian Pronunciation English Translation
чай chai tea
кофе kofe coffee
вода voda water
сок sok juice
лимонад limonad lemonade
пиво pivo beer
вино vino wine
водка vodka vodka


In this lesson, we have explored the Russian vocabulary related to common foods. By learning these words, you are now equipped to discuss various foods, order in restaurants, and shop for groceries in Russian. Food is a universal language, and knowing the words for different foods will enhance your cultural understanding and make your language learning journey more enjoyable. So go ahead and savor the flavors of Russian cuisine!

Table of Contents - Russian Course - 0 to A1

Alphabet and Pronunciation

Basic Phrases and Greetings

Nouns and Gender

Numbers and Time

Cases and Prepositions

Family and Relationships

Verbs and Conjugation

Food and Dining

Russian Traditions and Holidays

Travel and Transportation

Adjectives and Adverbs

Hobbies and Leisure Activities

Russian Literature and Arts


Most common Russian words: fruits and vegetables in Russian ...


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