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* [[Language/Russian/Vocabulary/Introduction-to-Russian-Pronunciation|Introduction to Russian Pronunciation]]
* [[Language/Russian/Vocabulary/Introduction-to-Russian-Pronunciation|Introduction to Russian Pronunciation]]
* [[Language/Russian/Vocabulary/Family-and-Relationships|Family and Relationships]]
* [[Language/Russian/Vocabulary/Family-and-Relationships|Family and Relationships]]
<span class='maj'></span>
* [https://www.thoughtco.com/russian-words-nature-and-weather-4797080 Russian Words: Nature and Weather]
* [https://polyglotclub.com/wiki/Language/Russian/Vocabulary/Weather-and-Nature Russian Vocabulary - Everyday Life in Russia - Weather and Nature]
* [https://learnrussianwords.com/topic/nature/ Nature in Russian - Russian Vocabulary with Examples and Audio]


Revision as of 14:21, 12 March 2023

Russian Vocabulary → Everyday Life in Russia → Weather and Nature


Welcome to the "Weather and Nature" lesson of the "Complete 0 to A1 Russian Course." In this lesson, you will learn vocabulary related to weather, climate, and natural landscapes, as well as how to talk about these topics in everyday situations.

Weather is an important topic in Russia, where the climate varies significantly depending on the region. With this lesson, you will be able to describe the weather and natural landscapes in various parts of the country.


Here are some of the most common words and expressions related to weather and nature in Russian:

Russian Pronunciation English
Погода pogoda Weather
Климат klimat Climate
Сезон sezón Season
Весна vesná Spring
Лето léto Summer
Осень osén' Fall
Зима zimá Winter
Солнце solntse Sun
Дождь dozhd' Rain
Снег sneg Snow
Горы gory Mountains
Река reka River
Озеро ozero Lake
Море more Sea
Пляж plyazh Beach

Talking about Weather and Nature

Now that you know some basic vocabulary related to weather and nature in Russian, let's see how you can use it in everyday situations.

Describing the Weather

To describe the weather in Russian, you can use the following expressions:

  • Хорошая погода (Horoshaya pogoda) - Good weather
  • Плохая погода (Plokhaya pogoda) - Bad weather
  • Солнечно (Solnechno) - Sunny
  • Тепло (Teplo) - Warm
  • Холодно (Kholodno) - Cold
  • Ветрено (Vetreno) - Windy
  • Дождливо (Dozhdliwo) - Rainy
  • Снежно (Snezhno) - Snowy

Here are some examples of how to use these expressions:

  • Сегодня хорошая погода. (Segodnya horoshaya pogoda) - Today is good weather.
  • Завтра будет дождливо. (Zavtra budet dozhdliwo) - It will be rainy tomorrow.
  • Вчера было снежно. (Vchera bylo snezhno) - It was snowy yesterday.

Describing Natural Landscapes

There are many beautiful natural landscapes in Russia, and it can be useful to know how to describe them in Russian. Here are some expressions you can use:

  • Горы (Gory) - Mountains
  • Река (Reka) - River
  • Озеро (Ozero) - Lake
  • Море (More) - Sea
  • Пляж (Plyazh) - Beach
  • Лес (Les) - Forest
  • Пустыня (Pustyna) - Desert

Here are some examples of how to use these expressions:

  • Эти горы очень красивые. (Eti gory ochen' krasivye) - These mountains are very beautiful.
  • Эта река очень широкая. (Eta reka ochen' shirokaya) - This river is very wide.
  • Это озеро очень чистое. (Eto ozero ochen' chistoe) - This lake is very clean.


Now that you know some basic vocabulary related to weather and nature in Russian, it's time to practice. Try to describe the weather and natural landscapes in some of the regions below:

Task 1: Kamchatka

Kamchatka is a region in the far east of Russia, known for its volcanoes and geysers.

  • What is the climate like in Kamchatka?
  • What natural landscapes can you find in Kamchatka?
  • How would you describe the weather in Kamchatka in the summer?

Task 2: Siberia

Siberia is a vast region in the north of Russia, known for its harsh winters and vast forests.

  • What is the climate like in Siberia?
  • What natural landscapes can you find in Siberia?
  • How would you describe the weather in Siberia in the winter?


Table of Contents - Russian Course - 0 to A1

Alphabet and Pronunciation

Basic Phrases and Greetings

Nouns and Gender

Numbers and Time

Cases and Prepositions

Family and Relationships

Verbs and Conjugation

Food and Dining

Russian Traditions and Holidays

Travel and Transportation

Adjectives and Adverbs

Hobbies and Leisure Activities

Russian Literature and Arts


Weather Talk | Fast Russian - YouTube

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