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# Call me tomorrow.
# Call me tomorrow.

== Sources ==
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperative_mood Imperative mood]
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italian_verbs Italian verbs]

<span class='maj'></span>
* [https://grammar.collinsdictionary.com/italian-easy-learning/how-do-you-form-the-imperative-in-italian How do you form the imperative in Italian? | Learning Italian - Grammar]
* [https://www.thoughtco.com/the-imperative-mood-in-italian-4072739 The Imperative Mood in Italian]
* [https://learnitaliango.com/italian-imperative/ Italian Imperative - How To Give An Order In Italian - Learn Italian Go]


Revision as of 14:23, 12 March 2023

Italian Grammar - Subjunctive and Imperative Moods > Imperative Form

The imperative form is used to give orders, commands, and recommendations. It can be considered a mood, even though it is not always classified as such, since it is not used to express doubt or uncertainty, which are typical of subjunctive mood.


The imperative form is made by taking the present tense of the verb, removing the subject pronoun, and keeping only the stem of the verb.

For example, let's take the verb "mangiare" (to eat):

  • Tu mangi! (You eat! / Eat!)
  • Noi mangiamo! (We eat! / Let's eat!)

When the imperative is used with the third person singular (lui/lei), the equivalent is either the infinitive form or the subjunctive form. For example:

  • Mangia la pasta! (Eat the pasta!)
  • Che lui mangi la pasta! (Let him eat the pasta!)

The same applies to the third person plural (loro):

  • Mangino la pasta! (Let them eat the pasta!)

Irregular Forms

Some verbs have irregular forms in the imperative:

Italian English
avere (tu) abbi have
essere (tu) sii be
essere (noi) siamo let's be
fare (tu) fa do / make
fare (noi) facciamo let's do / make

Negative Form

To form a negative imperative, use the present subjunctive of the verb "non" (do not) + the imperative form of the verb.

For example:

  • Non mangiare la pasta! (Don't eat the pasta!)
  • Non prenda questo autobus! (Don't take this bus!)

Usage Tips

  • The imperative is usually used to address a single person (tu), but it can also be used with other forms, such as voi or lei.
  • The imperative is usually used with the second person singular (tu), rather than with the first or third person.
  • The imperative form can be softened with expressions like "per favore" (please), "cerca di" (try to), "se possibile" (if possible), "gentilmente" (kindly), and so on.


Translate the following sentences into Italian:

  1. Open the window!
  2. Don't worry about it.
  3. Let's go to the cinema!
  4. Be careful with that.
  5. Do your best in the exam.
  6. Don't be late.
  7. Please, pass me the salt.
  8. Let's have a glass of wine.
  9. Call me tomorrow.


Related Lessons


Formation of the Informal Imperative in Italian - YouTube

Formation of the Formal Imperative in Italian - YouTube

Learn Italian: Imperative Mood - YouTube

Learn Italian Grammar - The imperative in Italian (Italian Verbs ...

Learn Italian: Negative Imperative - YouTube