Difference between revisions of "Language/Multiple-languages/Vocabulary/Mathematical-Logic"

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| infinite set || set
| infinite set || set
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| injection, injective function, one-to-one function || function
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| map || function
| mapping || function
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| superset || set
| superset || set
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| surjection, surjective function, onto function || function
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Revision as of 00:20, 30 January 2022

This is a part of the Sci–Tech Index, a project for science and technology learners.

In progress.

eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい pes-Aran-IR: مَفهوم pes-Aran-IR: پیش‌نیاز rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка
set theory 集合论 jíhé lùn Mengenlehre [f] théorie [f] des ensembles 集合論 しゅ↑うご↓うろん тео́рия мно́жеств
axiomatic set theory
proof theory 证明论 zhèngmíng lùn Beweistheorie [f] théorie [f] de la démonstration, théorie [f] de la preuve 証明論 しょ↑うめ↓いろん тео́рия доказа́тельств
model theory 模型论 móxíng lùn Modelltheorie [f] théorie [f] des modèles モデル理論 モ↑デルり↓ろん тео́рия моде́лей
computability theory, recursion theory 可计算性理论 kějìsuànxìng lǐlùn Berechenbarkeitstheorie [f], Rekursionstheorie [f] théorie [f] de la calculabilité 計算可能性理論 け↑いさんかのうせいり↓ろん тео́рия вычисли́мости

Set Theory

eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい pes-Aran-IR: مَفهوم pes-Aran-IR: پیش‌نیاز rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка
amorphous set infinite set; disjoint union; subset
anticommutative property, anticommutativity operation 反交换律 fǎnjiāohuàn lǜ Antikommutativgesetz [n], Antikommutativität [f]
argument function
associative property, associativity operation 结合律 jiéhé lǜ Assoziativgesetz [n], Assoziativität [f]
bijection, bijective function, one-to-one correspondence, or invertible function function; set
axiom of choice choice function
binary operation, dyadic operation operation 二元运算 èryuán yùnsuàn zweistellige Verknüpfung, binäre Verknüpfung
binary relation relation 二元关系 èryuán guānxi binäre Relation relation [f] binaire
Cantor's theorem power set; cardinality
cardinality set
cardinal number cardinality
Cartesian product ordered pair
choice function function; empty set; direct product <algebra>
class set
codomain, set of destination function; set
commutative property, commutativity operation 交换律 jiāohuàn lǜ Kommutativgesetz [n], Vertauschungsgesetz [n], Kommutativität [f]
complement set 补集 bǔ jí Komplement [n] complémentaire [m] 差集合 さ↑しゅ↓うごう ра́зность мно́жеств
connected relation, total relation binary relation
constant function constant <number theory>; function
continuum cardinal number
countable set subset; cardinality
De Morgan's laws logical conjunction; logical disjunction; negation
distributive property, distributivity operation 分配律 fēnpèi lǜ Distributivgesetz [n], Distributivität [f]
domain, set of departure function; set
element mathematical object
empty set set
enumeration set
equality 相等 xiāng děng Gleichheit [f] égalité [f] تَساوی
equal sign equality 等号 děng hào Gleichheitszeichen [n], Ist-gleich-Zeichen [n] signe [m] égal عَلَامَتِ مُساوی
equivalence relation reflexive relation; symmetric relation; transitive relation
expression digit; symbol 表达式, 表示式, 运算式 biǎodá shì, biǎoshì shì, yùnsuàn shì Ausdruck [m] expression [f]
extensionality, extensional equality mathematical object
finitary relation Cartesian product
finite set set
function binary relation; set 函数 hán shù Funktion [f] fonction [f]
fuzzy set, uncertain set set
identity function, also called an identity relation, identity map, identity transformation argument
image function; set
indexed family, family set
inequality equality 不等 bù děng Ungleichheit [f] inégalité [f]
infinite set set
injection, injective function, one-to-one function function
intersection set
inverse image, preimage codomain; subset
logical conjunction
logical disjunction
mapping function
operand operation 运算数, 运算元 yùnsuàn shù, yùnsuàn yuán Operand [m]
operation 运算 yùnsuàn Verknüpfung [f]
ordered pair set
power set, powerset subset; empty set
proper subset subset
range codomain; image
relation set 关系 guānxi Relation [f]
relative complement complement; subset
Russell's paradox, Russell's antinomy set
set element
set difference, difference of set set
singleton, unit set
subset set
superset set
surjection, surjective function, onto function function
symmetric difference, disjunctive union intersection
symmetric relation binary relation
transitive relation binary relation
transitive set subset; urelement
tree partially ordered set; well-ordered set
tuple element; sequence
union set
universal set mathematical object
unordered pair, pair set set
urelement set
Venn diagram set
well-founded relation class; minimal element; empty set
well-founded set transitive closure
Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory Russel's paradox

Axiomatic Set Theory

eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい pes-Aran-IR: مَفهوم pes-Aran-IR: پیش‌نیاز rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка

Proof Theory

eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい pes-Aran-IR: مَفهوم pes-Aran-IR: پیش‌نیاز rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка
mathematical induction

Model Theory

eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい pes-Aran-IR: مَفهوم pes-Aran-IR: پیش‌نیاز rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка

Computability Theory, Recursion Theory

eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい pes-Aran-IR: مَفهوم pes-Aran-IR: پیش‌نیاز rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка

Venn-AA up Blank.png

* Appendix *

Adjective & Adjective Phrase; Verb & Verb Phrase

eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい pes-Aran-IR: مَفهوم pes-Aran-IR: پیش‌نیاز rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка


Set Theory

symbol eng-Latn-US: concept cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん pes-Aran-IR: مَفهوم rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция
= is equal to
is not equal to
is element of
is not element of
contains member
does not contain member
is subset of; is proper subset of
is superset of; is proper superset of
is subset of
is superset of
is not subset of; is not proper subset of
is not superset of; is not proper superset of
is not subset of
is not superset of
is subset and not proper subset of
is superset and not proper superset of
A, B, C, ... set
a, b, c, ... element


eng-Latn-US: process eng-Latn-US: constituent cmn-Hans-CN: 过程 cmn-Hans-CN: 构件 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: guòchéng cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gòujiàn deu-Latn-DE: Prozess [m] deu-Latn-DE: Bestandteil [m] fra-Latn-FR: procès [m] fra-Latn-FR: composant [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 過程 jpn-Jpan-JP: 構材 jpn-Hrkt-JP: か↑てい jpn-Hrkt-JP: こ↑うざい pes-Aran-IR: فَرآیَند‎ pes-Aran-IR: هَمنِه rus-Cyrl-RU: проце́сс rus-Cyrl-RU: соста́вная часть

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