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m (Quick edit)
(The conjugation for the very "жазу" (to write) in the first person (мен) and second person informal (сен) were written as жазымын and жазысың respectively. My changes reflect the correct conjugation of this verb in the first and second person as written in the article.)
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<div class="pg_page_title">Kazakh Grammar → Verbs → Present Tense</div>
== Introduction ==

In this lesson, we will delve into the fascinating world of the Kazakh present tense. As one of the fundamental aspects of the Kazakh language, mastering the present tense is essential for effective communication. Whether you're a beginner or already have some knowledge of Kazakh, this lesson will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the present tense and its usage with different verb types.
To help you grasp the concept, we will explore the structure and formation of the present tense in Kazakh. You will learn how to conjugate regular and irregular verbs, as well as how to use the present tense in various contexts. We will also provide numerous examples and exercises throughout the lesson to ensure a thorough understanding of the topic.
Additionally, we will delve into the cultural significance of the present tense in Kazakh language and explore any regional variations in its usage. By incorporating interesting cultural facts and anecdotes, we aim to make your learning experience engaging and relatable.
Let's begin our journey into the Kazakh present tense!

As a Kazakh language teacher with over 20 years of experience, I am thrilled to introduce you to the present tense in Kazakh. In this lesson, we will cover the basics of the present tense and explore its usage with different verb types. This lesson is part of the "Complete 0 to A1 Kazakh Course" and is suitable for students who are complete beginners.
== Structure of the Present Tense ==

== What is the Present Tense? ==
The present tense in Kazakh is used to describe actions or states that are happening in the present moment. It is a vital aspect of everyday communication and is used in a wide range of contexts, from discussing daily routines to expressing general truths or facts.
The present tense is a verb tense that indicates an action or state of being that is currently ongoing or habitual. In Kazakh, the present tense is formed differently based on the type of verb.

== Simple Present Tense ==
To form the present tense in Kazakh, we generally add specific verb endings to the verb stem. The verb endings vary depending on the verb type and person. Let's explore the structure of the present tense in more detail.
The simple present tense is used for habitual actions or general truths. In Kazakh, the simple present tense is formed as follows:

* For verbs that end in a vowel, add "-ті" or "-ді" to the end of the verb stem based on vowel harmony.
=== Regular Verbs ===
* For verbs that end in a consonant, add "-ып/-іп" to the end of the verb stem based on vowel harmony.

Let's look at some examples:
Regular verbs in Kazakh follow a predictable pattern when conjugating them in the present tense. The verb endings are added to the verb stem according to the person and number of the subject. Here is a table illustrating the verb endings for regular verbs in the present tense:

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! Kazakh !! Pronunciation !! English
! Person !! Singular Verb Ending !! Plural Verb Ending
| Баруыңыз керек || barwıñız kerek || You need to come
| 1st person || -мын (-myn) || -мыз (-myz)
| Тіліңіз күшінше болуы керек || tilıñız küshinşe bolwı kerek || You need to speak louder
| 2nd person || -сың (-sıñ) || -сыз (-sız)
| Ол өйретіп жатады || ol öyretip jatady|| He/She is teaching
| 3rd person || -ды (-dı)/-ті (-tı)/*-ы (-ı)/-і (-i) || -лар (-lar)

== Present Continuous Tense ==
Let's take a look at some examples of regular verbs in the present tense:
The present continuous tense is used for ongoing or temporary actions. In Kazakh, the present continuous tense is formed as follows:
* Жазу (to write)
** Жазамын (I write)
** Жазасың (You write)
** Жазады (He/She writes)
** Жазамыз (We write)
** Жазасыз (You write)
** Жазады (They write)
* Ойлау (to think)
** Ойлаймын (I think)
** Ойлайсың (You think)
** Ойлады (He/She thinks)
** Ойламыз (We think)
** Ойласыз (You think)
** Ойлады (They think)
As you can see, the verb endings change according to the person and number of the subject. Practice conjugating different regular verbs in the present tense to reinforce your understanding.
=== Irregular Verbs ===
While regular verbs in Kazakh follow a predictable pattern in the present tense, irregular verbs have their own unique conjugation patterns. These verbs require memorization and practice to fully grasp their conjugation.
Here are a few examples of irregular verbs in the present tense:
* Болу (to be)
** Мен боламын (I am)
** Сен боласың (You are)
** Ол болады (He/She is)
** Біз боламыз (We are)
** Сіз боласыз (You are)
** Олар болады (They are)
* Көру (to see)
** Мен көремін (I see)
** Сен көресің (You see)
** Ол көреді (He/She sees)
** Біз көреміз (We see)
** Сіз көресіз (You see)
** Олар көреді (They see)
As you can see, the irregular verbs have unique conjugation patterns that do not follow the regular verb endings. Practice conjugating different irregular verbs to become more comfortable with their usage.
== Usage of the Present Tense ==
The present tense in Kazakh is used in a variety of contexts to describe actions or states that are happening in the present moment. Let's explore some common ways the present tense is used in everyday communication.
=== Daily Routines ===
The present tense is often used to describe daily routines and habits. It allows us to talk about actions that we do regularly or repeatedly. Here are some examples:
* Мен сабаққа барамын. (I go to school.)
* Сен телефонға жатасың. (You go to the phone.)
* Ол идеялар жазады. (He/She writes down ideas.)
* Біз футбол ойнайды. (We play football.)
* Сіз оқу алдыңыз. (You read a book.)
* Олар театрға барады. (They go to the theater.)
In these examples, the present tense is used to describe actions that occur regularly or as part of a daily routine. Practice describing your own daily routines using the present tense to reinforce your understanding.
=== General Truths or Facts ===
The present tense is also used to express general truths or facts that are true at all times. These statements are not specific to the present moment but are universally true. Here are some examples:
* Қазақстан Азияда орналасқан. (Kazakhstan is located in Asia.)
* Ертегі денізге баратын барлық су. (All rivers flow into the sea.)
* Қар тұрғанда құлық айналады. (When it snows, the ground becomes white.)
* Баба-ай атқан көршінде. (Father is at work.)
* Қайда барасың? (Where are you going?)
* Көке бесіктің астында түнетін тері. (Below the blue cradle lies the dark land.)
In these examples, the present tense is used to state facts that are universally true. It is important to note that the present tense can be used to describe general truths or facts that are not specific to the present moment.
=== Scheduled Events or Future Plans ===
The present tense can also be used to describe scheduled events or future plans. While it may seem counterintuitive, the present tense is used to convey the idea of a future action that has already been planned or scheduled. Here are some examples:
* Бүгін сабақ жоқ. (There is no class today.)
* Ертеңгі күн татуар көрсетіледі. (Tomorrow an art exhibition will be held.)
* Бүгін кешіге баяулаймыз. (Today we are going to the park.)
* Осы аптада өлім көрсетіледі. (This week a funeral will take place.)
* Мен ауылға барамын. (I am going to the village.)
In these examples, the present tense is used to describe future events or plans that have already been scheduled or planned.
== Cultural Insights ==
The present tense plays a significant role in the Kazakh language and reflects the cultural values and traditions of the Kazakh people. It is important to understand the cultural context in which the present tense is used in order to communicate effectively in Kazakh-speaking communities.
The Kazakh language is deeply rooted in the nomadic lifestyle and traditions of the Kazakh people. The present tense is often used to describe actions related to traditional activities such as herding livestock, riding horses, and setting up yurts. For example:
* Мен атаулымның басын тартамын. (I am raising the head of my horse.)
* Ауылда ат қыздырамыз. (In the village, we ride horses.)
* Жасаушы ойындар өтеді. (Traditional games are being played.)
These examples illustrate how the present tense is used to describe cultural practices and activities that are deeply ingrained in Kazakh culture. By incorporating cultural insights into your language learning journey, you will gain a deeper appreciation for the language and its rich cultural heritage.
== Exercises ==

* Take the verb stem and add "-ған/-ген" to the end of it.  
To practice what you have learned in this lesson, here are some exercises for you to complete. Try to apply the present tense conjugation rules and use the appropriate verb endings based on the person and number of the subject.

Let's look at some examples:
1. Conjugate the following regular verbs in the present tense:
* Жазу (to write)
* Ойлау (to think)
* Оқу (to read)
* Ойнай (to play)

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2. Conjugate the following irregular verbs in the present tense:
! Kazakh !! Pronunciation !! English
* Болу (to be)
* Көру (to see)
| Сен өзіңнің өзіңді артық жасайсың || sen özıñıñ özıñdı artıq jasaysıñ || You are exaggerating
* Емдеу (to eat)
* Жасау (to do)
| Біздің үйге келген гости студенттер || bizdıñ üyge kelgen gosti studentter || Our guests who came to our house are students
3. Complete the following sentences using the present tense:
| Ол желіде бара жатыр || ol jelıde bara jatır|| He/She is going by train
* Мен ... (think) ойлаймын.
* Сен ... (read) кітап оқасың.
* Ол ... (play) музыка ойнайды.
* Біз ... (be) қонысамыз.
* Сіз ... (see) адам көресіз.
* Олар ... (write) мақала жазады.
== Solutions ==
1. Conjugation of regular verbs in the present tense:
* Жазу (to write)
** Жазымын (I write)
** Жазысың (You write)
** Жазады (He/She writes)
** Жазамыз (We write)
** Жазасыз (You write)
** Жазады (They write)
* Ойлау (to think)
** Ойлаймын (I think)
** Ойлайсың (You think)
** Ойлады (He/She thinks)
** Ойламыз (We think)
** Ойласыз (You think)
** Ойлады (They think)
* Оқу (to read)
** Оқамын (I read)
** Оқасың (You read)
** Оқады (He/She reads)
** Оқамыз (We read)
** Оқасыз (You read)
** Оқады (They read)
* Ойнай (to play)
** Ойнаймын (I play)
** Ойнасың (You play)
** Ойнады (He/She plays)
** Ойнамыз (We play)
** Ойнасыз (You play)
** Ойнады (They play)
2. Conjugation of irregular verbs in the present tense:
* Болу (to be)
** Мен боламын (I am)
** Сен боласың (You are)
** Ол болады (He/She is)
** Біз боламыз (We are)
** Сіз боласыз (You are)
** Олар болады (They are)
* Көру (to see)
** Мен көремін (I see)
** Сен көресің (You see)
** Ол көреді (He/She sees)
** Біз көреміз (We see)
** Сіз көресіз (You see)
** Олар көреді (They see)
* Емдеу (to eat)
** Мен емін (I eat)
** Сен есің (You eat)
** Ол есті (He/She eats)
** Біз еміз (We eat)
** Сіз есіз (You eat)
** Олар еді (They eat)
* Жасау (to do)
** Мен жасаймын (I do)
** Сен жасайсың (You do)
** Ол жасайды (He/She does)
** Біз жасаймыз (We do)
** Сіз жасайсыз (You do)
** Олар жасайды (They do)
3. Completion of sentences using the present tense:
* Мен ойлаймын. (I think.)
* Сен кітап оқасың. (You read a book.)
* Ол музыка ойнайды. (He/She plays music.)
* Біз қонысамыз. (We are friends.)
* Сіз адам көресіз. (You see a person.)
* Олар мақала жазады. (They write an article.)
Congratulations on completing the exercises! By practicing these conjugation patterns and using the present tense in different contexts, you will become more confident in your Kazakh language skills.

== Present Perfect Tense ==
== Conclusion ==
The present perfect tense is used to talk about completed actions in the past that have a connection to the present. In Kazakh, the present perfect tense is formed as follows:

* Take the verb stem and add "-ген/-гән" to the end of it.
In this lesson, we have explored the fascinating world of the Kazakh present tense. We have learned about the structure and formation of the present tense for both regular and irregular verbs. Additionally, we have discussed the various contexts in which the present tense is used, including daily routines, general truths or facts, and scheduled events or future plans.

Let's look at some examples:
By incorporating cultural insights and engaging exercises, we aim to make your learning experience memorable and enjoyable. Keep practicing and applying what you have learned to reinforce your understanding of the present tense in Kazakh.

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Remember, mastering the present tense is a crucial step in your journey to becoming proficient in the Kazakh language. Practice regularly, immerse yourself in Kazakh-speaking environments, and embrace the rich cultural heritage of Kazakhstan.
! Kazakh !! Pronunciation !! English
| Мен осы кітапты окығанмын || men osy kitapty okığanmın || I have read this book
| Ол тесті жақсы жауап берген || ol testi jaqsy jauap bergen || He/She has given a good answer to the test
| Сіз осы жерде болғансыз ба? || sız osy jerde bolğansız ba? || Have you been here?

== Present Perfect Continuous Tense ==
Өте жақсы оқуларыңызды тілейміз! (Good luck with your studies!)
The present perfect continuous tense is used for ongoing actions that started in the past and continue into the present. In Kazakh, the present perfect continuous tense can be formed by using the present continuous tense combined with the "аллаңыз" (allańyz) verb, which means "you should have done it by now" or "you've been doing it for some time now".

Let's look at some examples:

{| class="wikitable"
! Kazakh !! Pronunciation !! English
| Сен өзің шоқ жинарап отырсың, дәмін қандай? || sen özıñ shoq jınarap otırsyñ, dämın qanday? || You have been gathering your thoughts. How do you feel?
<span gpt></span> <span model=gpt-3.5-turbo-16k></span> <span temperature=0.7></span>
| Ол бір сағаттан бері бізбен телефонда сөйлеп жатады || ol bir sahattan beri bizben telefonda söylep jatady|| He/She has been talking to us on the phone for an hour
| Мен үш айдан бері осы дастаны жазып жатырмын || men üş aydan beri osy dastany jazıp jatırman || I have been writing this story for three months

== Irregular Verbs ==  
Some Kazakh verbs exhibit irregular patterns when it comes to forming the present tense. Here are some examples:

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===Kazakh Lessons 20- Tenses (Present, Past and Future) - YouTube===
! Kazakh !! Pronunciation !! English
| беру || berw || to take
| жазу || jazu || to write
| тоқтап жүру || toqtap jwru || to walk slowly
| жауап беру || jauap berw || to answer

Congratulations! You made it through the Kazakh present tense lesson. Keep practicing and expanding your knowledge of the Kazakh language through the "Complete 0 to A1 Kazakh Course".

<span class='maj'></span>
* [https://slaviccenters.duke.edu/sites/slaviccenters.duke.edu/files/file-attachments/kazakh-grammar.pdf A Grammar of Kazakh Zura Dotton, Ph.D John Doyle Wagner]
* [https://slaviccenters.duke.edu/sites/slaviccenters.duke.edu/files/file-attachments/kazakh-grammar.pdf A Grammar of Kazakh Zura Dotton, Ph.D John Doyle Wagner]
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* [https://theswissbay.ch/pdf/Books/Linguistics/Mega%20linguistics%20pack/Turkic/Kazakh%20Grammar%20with%20Affix%20List%20%28Krippes%29%20%281%29.pdf Kazakh Grammar - with Affix List]
* [https://theswissbay.ch/pdf/Books/Linguistics/Mega%20linguistics%20pack/Turkic/Kazakh%20Grammar%20with%20Affix%20List%20%28Krippes%29%20%281%29.pdf Kazakh Grammar - with Affix List]

* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kazakh_grammar Kazakh Grammar]

|title=Kazakh Grammar Verbs Present Tense
|keywords=Kazakh, grammar, verbs, present tense, language learning
|description=In this lesson, you will learn the present tense in Kazakh and how to use it with different verb types.

==Other Lessons==
* [[Language/Kazakh/Grammar/Accusative-Case|Accusative Case]]
* [[Language/Kazakh/Grammar/How-to-Use-Have|How to Use Have]]
* [[Language/Kazakh/Grammar/Pronouns|Pronouns]]
* [[Language/Kazakh/Grammar/Nouns|Nouns]]
* [[Language/Kazakh/Grammar/Simple-Prepositions|Simple Prepositions]]
* [[Language/Kazakh/Grammar/Future-Tense|Future Tense]]
* [[Language/Kazakh/Grammar/Dative-Case|Dative Case]]
* [[Language/Kazakh/Grammar/Attributive-and-Predicative-Adjectives|Attributive and Predicative Adjectives]]
* [[Language/Kazakh/Grammar/Instrumental-Case|Instrumental Case]]


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Latest revision as of 16:50, 23 June 2024

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KazakhGrammar0 to A1 Course → Present Tense

Introduction[edit | edit source]

In this lesson, we will delve into the fascinating world of the Kazakh present tense. As one of the fundamental aspects of the Kazakh language, mastering the present tense is essential for effective communication. Whether you're a beginner or already have some knowledge of Kazakh, this lesson will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the present tense and its usage with different verb types.

To help you grasp the concept, we will explore the structure and formation of the present tense in Kazakh. You will learn how to conjugate regular and irregular verbs, as well as how to use the present tense in various contexts. We will also provide numerous examples and exercises throughout the lesson to ensure a thorough understanding of the topic.

Additionally, we will delve into the cultural significance of the present tense in Kazakh language and explore any regional variations in its usage. By incorporating interesting cultural facts and anecdotes, we aim to make your learning experience engaging and relatable.

Let's begin our journey into the Kazakh present tense!

Structure of the Present Tense[edit | edit source]

The present tense in Kazakh is used to describe actions or states that are happening in the present moment. It is a vital aspect of everyday communication and is used in a wide range of contexts, from discussing daily routines to expressing general truths or facts.

To form the present tense in Kazakh, we generally add specific verb endings to the verb stem. The verb endings vary depending on the verb type and person. Let's explore the structure of the present tense in more detail.

Regular Verbs[edit | edit source]

Regular verbs in Kazakh follow a predictable pattern when conjugating them in the present tense. The verb endings are added to the verb stem according to the person and number of the subject. Here is a table illustrating the verb endings for regular verbs in the present tense:

Person Singular Verb Ending Plural Verb Ending
1st person -мын (-myn) -мыз (-myz)
2nd person -сың (-sıñ) -сыз (-sız)
3rd person -ды (-dı)/-ті (-tı)/*-ы (-ı)/-і (-i) -лар (-lar)

Let's take a look at some examples of regular verbs in the present tense:

  • Жазу (to write)
    • Жазамын (I write)
    • Жазасың (You write)
    • Жазады (He/She writes)
    • Жазамыз (We write)
    • Жазасыз (You write)
    • Жазады (They write)
  • Ойлау (to think)
    • Ойлаймын (I think)
    • Ойлайсың (You think)
    • Ойлады (He/She thinks)
    • Ойламыз (We think)
    • Ойласыз (You think)
    • Ойлады (They think)

As you can see, the verb endings change according to the person and number of the subject. Practice conjugating different regular verbs in the present tense to reinforce your understanding.

Irregular Verbs[edit | edit source]

While regular verbs in Kazakh follow a predictable pattern in the present tense, irregular verbs have their own unique conjugation patterns. These verbs require memorization and practice to fully grasp their conjugation.

Here are a few examples of irregular verbs in the present tense:

  • Болу (to be)
    • Мен боламын (I am)
    • Сен боласың (You are)
    • Ол болады (He/She is)
    • Біз боламыз (We are)
    • Сіз боласыз (You are)
    • Олар болады (They are)
  • Көру (to see)
    • Мен көремін (I see)
    • Сен көресің (You see)
    • Ол көреді (He/She sees)
    • Біз көреміз (We see)
    • Сіз көресіз (You see)
    • Олар көреді (They see)

As you can see, the irregular verbs have unique conjugation patterns that do not follow the regular verb endings. Practice conjugating different irregular verbs to become more comfortable with their usage.

Usage of the Present Tense[edit | edit source]

The present tense in Kazakh is used in a variety of contexts to describe actions or states that are happening in the present moment. Let's explore some common ways the present tense is used in everyday communication.

Daily Routines[edit | edit source]

The present tense is often used to describe daily routines and habits. It allows us to talk about actions that we do regularly or repeatedly. Here are some examples:

  • Мен сабаққа барамын. (I go to school.)
  • Сен телефонға жатасың. (You go to the phone.)
  • Ол идеялар жазады. (He/She writes down ideas.)
  • Біз футбол ойнайды. (We play football.)
  • Сіз оқу алдыңыз. (You read a book.)
  • Олар театрға барады. (They go to the theater.)

In these examples, the present tense is used to describe actions that occur regularly or as part of a daily routine. Practice describing your own daily routines using the present tense to reinforce your understanding.

General Truths or Facts[edit | edit source]

The present tense is also used to express general truths or facts that are true at all times. These statements are not specific to the present moment but are universally true. Here are some examples:

  • Қазақстан Азияда орналасқан. (Kazakhstan is located in Asia.)
  • Ертегі денізге баратын барлық су. (All rivers flow into the sea.)
  • Қар тұрғанда құлық айналады. (When it snows, the ground becomes white.)
  • Баба-ай атқан көршінде. (Father is at work.)
  • Қайда барасың? (Where are you going?)
  • Көке бесіктің астында түнетін тері. (Below the blue cradle lies the dark land.)

In these examples, the present tense is used to state facts that are universally true. It is important to note that the present tense can be used to describe general truths or facts that are not specific to the present moment.

Scheduled Events or Future Plans[edit | edit source]

The present tense can also be used to describe scheduled events or future plans. While it may seem counterintuitive, the present tense is used to convey the idea of a future action that has already been planned or scheduled. Here are some examples:

  • Бүгін сабақ жоқ. (There is no class today.)
  • Ертеңгі күн татуар көрсетіледі. (Tomorrow an art exhibition will be held.)
  • Бүгін кешіге баяулаймыз. (Today we are going to the park.)
  • Осы аптада өлім көрсетіледі. (This week a funeral will take place.)
  • Мен ауылға барамын. (I am going to the village.)

In these examples, the present tense is used to describe future events or plans that have already been scheduled or planned.

Cultural Insights[edit | edit source]

The present tense plays a significant role in the Kazakh language and reflects the cultural values and traditions of the Kazakh people. It is important to understand the cultural context in which the present tense is used in order to communicate effectively in Kazakh-speaking communities.

The Kazakh language is deeply rooted in the nomadic lifestyle and traditions of the Kazakh people. The present tense is often used to describe actions related to traditional activities such as herding livestock, riding horses, and setting up yurts. For example:

  • Мен атаулымның басын тартамын. (I am raising the head of my horse.)
  • Ауылда ат қыздырамыз. (In the village, we ride horses.)
  • Жасаушы ойындар өтеді. (Traditional games are being played.)

These examples illustrate how the present tense is used to describe cultural practices and activities that are deeply ingrained in Kazakh culture. By incorporating cultural insights into your language learning journey, you will gain a deeper appreciation for the language and its rich cultural heritage.

Exercises[edit | edit source]

To practice what you have learned in this lesson, here are some exercises for you to complete. Try to apply the present tense conjugation rules and use the appropriate verb endings based on the person and number of the subject.

1. Conjugate the following regular verbs in the present tense:

  • Жазу (to write)
  • Ойлау (to think)
  • Оқу (to read)
  • Ойнай (to play)

2. Conjugate the following irregular verbs in the present tense:

  • Болу (to be)
  • Көру (to see)
  • Емдеу (to eat)
  • Жасау (to do)

3. Complete the following sentences using the present tense:

  • Мен ... (think) ойлаймын.
  • Сен ... (read) кітап оқасың.
  • Ол ... (play) музыка ойнайды.
  • Біз ... (be) қонысамыз.
  • Сіз ... (see) адам көресіз.
  • Олар ... (write) мақала жазады.

Solutions[edit | edit source]

1. Conjugation of regular verbs in the present tense:

  • Жазу (to write)
    • Жазымын (I write)
    • Жазысың (You write)
    • Жазады (He/She writes)
    • Жазамыз (We write)
    • Жазасыз (You write)
    • Жазады (They write)
  • Ойлау (to think)
    • Ойлаймын (I think)
    • Ойлайсың (You think)
    • Ойлады (He/She thinks)
    • Ойламыз (We think)
    • Ойласыз (You think)
    • Ойлады (They think)
  • Оқу (to read)
    • Оқамын (I read)
    • Оқасың (You read)
    • Оқады (He/She reads)
    • Оқамыз (We read)
    • Оқасыз (You read)
    • Оқады (They read)
  • Ойнай (to play)
    • Ойнаймын (I play)
    • Ойнасың (You play)
    • Ойнады (He/She plays)
    • Ойнамыз (We play)
    • Ойнасыз (You play)
    • Ойнады (They play)

2. Conjugation of irregular verbs in the present tense:

  • Болу (to be)
    • Мен боламын (I am)
    • Сен боласың (You are)
    • Ол болады (He/She is)
    • Біз боламыз (We are)
    • Сіз боласыз (You are)
    • Олар болады (They are)
  • Көру (to see)
    • Мен көремін (I see)
    • Сен көресің (You see)
    • Ол көреді (He/She sees)
    • Біз көреміз (We see)
    • Сіз көресіз (You see)
    • Олар көреді (They see)
  • Емдеу (to eat)
    • Мен емін (I eat)
    • Сен есің (You eat)
    • Ол есті (He/She eats)
    • Біз еміз (We eat)
    • Сіз есіз (You eat)
    • Олар еді (They eat)
  • Жасау (to do)
    • Мен жасаймын (I do)
    • Сен жасайсың (You do)
    • Ол жасайды (He/She does)
    • Біз жасаймыз (We do)
    • Сіз жасайсыз (You do)
    • Олар жасайды (They do)

3. Completion of sentences using the present tense:

  • Мен ойлаймын. (I think.)
  • Сен кітап оқасың. (You read a book.)
  • Ол музыка ойнайды. (He/She plays music.)
  • Біз қонысамыз. (We are friends.)
  • Сіз адам көресіз. (You see a person.)
  • Олар мақала жазады. (They write an article.)

Congratulations on completing the exercises! By practicing these conjugation patterns and using the present tense in different contexts, you will become more confident in your Kazakh language skills.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

In this lesson, we have explored the fascinating world of the Kazakh present tense. We have learned about the structure and formation of the present tense for both regular and irregular verbs. Additionally, we have discussed the various contexts in which the present tense is used, including daily routines, general truths or facts, and scheduled events or future plans.

By incorporating cultural insights and engaging exercises, we aim to make your learning experience memorable and enjoyable. Keep practicing and applying what you have learned to reinforce your understanding of the present tense in Kazakh.

Remember, mastering the present tense is a crucial step in your journey to becoming proficient in the Kazakh language. Practice regularly, immerse yourself in Kazakh-speaking environments, and embrace the rich cultural heritage of Kazakhstan.

Өте жақсы оқуларыңызды тілейміз! (Good luck with your studies!)

Table of Contents - Kazakh Course - 0 to A1[edit source]

Kazakh Pronunciation

Greetings and Basic Expressions

Kazakh Cases

Food and Drink


Traditions and Customs

Family and Relationships


Traveling and Directions


Shopping and Consumerism

Art and Literature


Health and Medical Emergencies

Sports and Recreation

Prepositions and Postpositions

Nature and Environment

Videos[edit | edit source]

Kazakh Lessons 20- Tenses (Present, Past and Future) - YouTube[edit | edit source]

Sources[edit | edit source]

Other Lessons[edit | edit source]

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