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PortugueseVocabulary0 to A1 Course → Unit 6: Food and Drink → Food

Introduction[edit | edit source]

In this lesson, we will dive into the delicious world of Portuguese cuisine. Food is an integral part of any culture, and Portugal is no exception. Portuguese cuisine is known for its rich flavors, fresh ingredients, and diverse dishes. Whether you're a foodie or just looking to expand your vocabulary, this lesson will equip you with the Portuguese words and phrases you need to navigate menus, order food, and enjoy a meal in Portugal. So let's get started and explore the mouthwatering world of Portuguese food!

Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

Here are some essential Portuguese words and phrases related to food:

Fruits and Vegetables[edit | edit source]

Portuguese cuisine makes use of a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. Here are some common ones:

Portuguese Pronunciation English
maçã mah-sahn apple
banana bah-nah-nah banana
laranja lah-rahn-jah orange
morango moh-rahn-goh strawberry
cenoura seh-noh-rah carrot
tomate toh-mah-teh tomato
cebola seh-boh-lah onion
alface ahl-fah-seh lettuce
batata bah-tah-tah potato
abacaxi ah-bah-kah-shee pineapple

Meat and Poultry[edit | edit source]

Meat and poultry play a significant role in Portuguese cuisine. Here are some words for different types of meat:

Portuguese Pronunciation English
carne de porco kahr-neh deh pohr-koh pork
frango frahn-goh chicken
peru peh-roo turkey
vitela vee-teh-lah veal
carne de vaca kahr-neh deh vah-kah beef
cordeiro kohr-deh-roh lamb

Seafood[edit | edit source]

Portugal is famous for its seafood dishes, thanks to its long coastline. Here are some words for different types of seafood:

Portuguese Pronunciation English
camarão kah-mah-rah-oh shrimp
polvo pohl-voh octopus
bacalhau bah-kahl-yah-oh codfish
peixe pay-shay fish
marisco mah-rees-koh shellfish

Dairy and Eggs[edit | edit source]

Dairy products and eggs are also commonly used in Portuguese cuisine. Here are some words for these items:

Portuguese Pronunciation English
leite lay-teh milk
queijo kay-zhoo cheese
manteiga mahn-tay-gah butter
iogurte ee-oh-goor-teh yogurt
ovos oh-vohs eggs

Drinks[edit | edit source]

To accompany your delicious Portuguese meal, here are some words for different types of drinks:

Portuguese Pronunciation English
água ah-gwah water
vinho vee-nyoh wine
cerveja sehr-vay-zhah beer
sumo soo-moh juice
café kah-fay coffee

Ordering Food[edit | edit source]

Now that you've learned some vocabulary for different types of food and drinks, let's move on to ordering food in Portuguese. Here are some phrases you can use when dining out:

  • Uma mesa para duas pessoas, por favor. (A table for two, please.)
  • O cardápio, por favor. (The menu, please.)
  • O que você recomenda? (What do you recommend?)
  • Eu gostaria de... (I would like...)
  • Por favor, traga a conta. (Please bring the bill.)

Cultural Information[edit | edit source]

Portuguese cuisine is heavily influenced by its geography and history. The country's long coastline provides an abundance of fresh seafood, which is why seafood dishes are so popular in Portugal. The Portuguese also have a strong tradition of using quality ingredients and cooking techniques that bring out the natural flavors of the food.

One famous Portuguese dish is bacalhau, which is dried and salted codfish. There are said to be over 365 different ways to prepare bacalhau, one for each day of the year. Another popular dish is francesinha, a sandwich made with various meats, covered in melted cheese, and served with a rich sauce. These are just a few examples of the diverse and delicious dishes you can find in Portugal.

In Portugal, mealtimes are an important social occasion. Lunch is usually the main meal of the day and is typically enjoyed with family or friends. Dinner is usually lighter and eaten later in the evening. It's common for people to linger over their meals, enjoying good conversation and savoring the flavors of the food.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Congratulations! You have now learned valuable vocabulary for different types of food and how to order food in Portuguese. You are one step closer to becoming fluent in this beautiful language. Keep practicing and exploring the rich world of Portuguese cuisine. Bom apetite! (Bon appétit!)

Table of Contents - Portuguese Course - 0 to A1[edit source]

Unit 1: Greetings and Basic Phrases

Unit 2: Verbs - Present Tense

Unit 3: Family and Descriptions

Unit 4: Verbs - Future and Conditional Tenses

Unit 5: Portuguese-Speaking Countries and Cultures

Unit 6: Food and Drink

Unit 7: Verbs - Past Tense

Unit 8: Travel and Transportation

Unit 9: Indefinite Pronouns and Prepositions

Unit 10: Health and Emergencies

Videos[edit | edit source]

European Portuguese FOOD VOCABULARY. Practice pronunciation ...[edit | edit source]

Understand basic food vocabulary in Portuguese. Comida e bebida ...[edit | edit source]

Learn ALL ABOUT PORTUGUESE FOOD, MEALS and CULTURE at ...[edit | edit source]

Sources[edit | edit source]

Other Lessons[edit | edit source]

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