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TurkishVocabulary0 to A1 Course → Everyday Phrases → Greeting

Introduction[edit | edit source]

In this lesson, we will learn how to greet in Turkish and explore other common phrases that you can use in everyday conversations. Greetings are an essential part of any language, as they help to establish connections and show respect to others. By the end of this lesson, you will be able to greet people in Turkish and engage in basic conversations using these phrases. So, let's get started and dive into the colorful world of Turkish greetings!

Greetings[edit | edit source]

Turkish greetings are warm, friendly, and reflect the cultural values of the country. Turks are known for their hospitality and their willingness to make others feel welcome. Greetings in Turkish are an important part of daily life, and understanding them will help you navigate social interactions with ease. Let's take a look at some of the most common greetings in Turkish:

Merhaba (Hello)[edit | edit source]

"Merhaba" is the most common way to say hello in Turkish. It is used in both formal and informal settings and is appropriate for any time of the day. This versatile greeting can be used when meeting someone for the first time or when greeting friends and family. The pronunciation of "Merhaba" is [mɛɾ.ˈ].

Turkish Pronunciation English Translation
Merhaba [mɛɾ.ˈ] Hello

Selam (Hi)[edit | edit source]

"Selam" is a more casual way to say hi in Turkish. It is commonly used among friends and peers and is less formal than "Merhaba." This greeting is often accompanied by a friendly smile or nod. The pronunciation of "Selam" is [sɛ.ˈlam].

Turkish Pronunciation English Translation
Selam [sɛ.ˈlam] Hi

Nasılsınız? (How are you?)[edit | edit source]

"Nasılsınız?" is the formal way to ask someone how they are doing in Turkish. This greeting shows that you are interested in the well-being of the other person. It is commonly used in professional settings or when meeting someone for the first time. The pronunciation of "Nasılsınız?" is [na.ˈsɯɫ.sɯ.nız].

Turkish Pronunciation English Translation
Nasılsınız? [na.ˈsɯɫ.sɯ.nız] How are you?

Nasılsın? (How are you?)[edit | edit source]

"Nasılsın?" is the informal way to ask someone how they are doing in Turkish. This greeting is used among friends, family, and peers. It is less formal than "Nasılsınız?" and reflects a closer relationship with the person you are greeting. The pronunciation of "Nasılsın?" is [na.ˈsɯɫ.sɯn].

Turkish Pronunciation English Translation
Nasılsın? [na.ˈsɯɫ.sɯn] How are you?

İyi günler (Good day)[edit | edit source]

"İyi günler" is a common greeting used throughout the day in Turkish. It translates to "good day" in English and can be used as a formal or informal greeting. This phrase is a polite way to acknowledge someone and wish them a good day. The pronunciation of "İyi günler" is [i.ji.ˈɟyn.læɾ].

Turkish Pronunciation English Translation
İyi günler [i.ji.ˈɟyn.læɾ] Good day

İyi akşamlar (Good evening)[edit | edit source]

"İyi akşamlar" is used to greet someone in the evening or late afternoon. It is a polite way to wish someone a pleasant evening. This greeting is commonly used when meeting someone for the first time or in formal settings. The pronunciation of "İyi akşamlar" is [i.ji. ˈak.ʃam.læɾ].

Turkish Pronunciation English Translation
İyi akşamlar [i.ji. ˈak.ʃam.læɾ] Good evening

Hoş geldin (Welcome)[edit | edit source]

"Hoş geldin" is used to welcome someone to a place or event. It is a warm and friendly greeting that shows hospitality and kindness. This phrase is commonly used when greeting friends, family, or guests. The pronunciation of "Hoş geldin" is [hoʃ ɟɛɫ.ˈdin].

Turkish Pronunciation English Translation
Hoş geldin [hoʃ ɟɛɫ.ˈdin] Welcome

Teşekkür ederim (Thank you)[edit | edit source]

"Teşekkür ederim" is the phrase used to express gratitude and say thank you in Turkish. This phrase is versatile and can be used in formal and informal settings to show appreciation. The pronunciation of "Teşekkür ederim" is [tɛ.ʃɛk.ˈkʰuɾ ɛ.ˈdɛ.ɾim].

Turkish Pronunciation English Translation
Teşekkür ederim [tɛ.ʃɛk.ˈkʰuɾ ɛ.ˈdɛ.ɾim] Thank you

Common Phrases[edit | edit source]

Apart from greetings, there are many other useful phrases that you can use to engage in basic conversations in Turkish. Here are some common phrases that will come in handy:

Evet (Yes)[edit | edit source]

"Evet" is the Turkish word for "yes." It is a simple and straightforward response that can be used in various contexts. Whether you are answering a question or confirming a statement, "Evet" is the word to use. The pronunciation of "Evet" is [ɛ.ˈvɛt].

Turkish Pronunciation English Translation
Evet [ɛ.ˈvɛt] Yes

Hayır (No)[edit | edit source]

"Hayır" is the Turkish word for "no." It is used to express negation or disagreement. Whether you are declining an offer or answering a negative question, "Hayır" is the word to use. The pronunciation of "Hayır" is [ha.ˈjɯɾ].

Turkish Pronunciation English Translation
Hayır [ha.ˈjɯɾ] No

Lütfen (Please)[edit | edit source]

"Lütfen" is the Turkish word for "please." It is used to make polite requests or to add a sense of politeness to your speech. Whether you are asking for directions or ordering food, "Lütfen" is an essential word to remember. The pronunciation of "Lütfen" is [ˈlyt.fæn].

Turkish Pronunciation English Translation
Lütfen [ˈlyt.fæn] Please

Teşekkürler (Thank you)[edit | edit source]

"Teşekkürler" is an informal way to say "thank you" in Turkish. This phrase is commonly used in casual conversations and among friends, family, or peers. The pronunciation of "Teşekkürler" is [tɛ.ʃɛk.ˈkʰuɾ.lɛɾ].

Turkish Pronunciation English Translation
Teşekkürler [tɛ.ʃɛk.ˈkʰuɾ.lɛɾ] Thank you

Nasıl gidiyor? (How is it going?)[edit | edit source]

"Nasıl gidiyor?" is a common phrase used to ask someone how things are going in Turkish. This question can be used to check on someone's well-being or to inquire about their current situation. The pronunciation of "Nasıl gidiyor?" is [na.ˈsɯɫ ɟi.ˈdʲoɾ].

Turkish Pronunciation English Translation
Nasıl gidiyor? [na.ˈsɯɫ ɟi.ˈdʲoɾ] How is it going?

Benim adım [name]. (My name is [name].)[edit | edit source]

"Benim adım [name]." is the phrase used to introduce yourself and state your name in Turkish. This phrase is often followed by the person's name. For example, "Benim adım Ahmet." means "My name is Ahmet." The pronunciation of "Benim adım [name]." is [bɛ.ˈnim a.ˈdɯm [name]].

Turkish Pronunciation English Translation
Benim adım [name]. [bɛ.ˈnim a.ˈdɯm [name]] My name is [name].

Ne yapıyorsun? (What are you doing?)[edit | edit source]

"Ne yapıyorsun?" is the phrase used to ask someone what they are doing in Turkish. This question can be used to start a conversation or to show interest in the other person's activities. The pronunciation of "Ne yapıyorsun?" is [nɛ ja.ˈpɯ.ɾɔɫ.sœn].

Turkish Pronunciation English Translation
Ne yapıyorsun? [nɛ ja.ˈpɯ.ɾɔɫ.sœn] What are you doing?

Ben anlamıyorum. (I don't understand.)[edit | edit source]

"Ben anlamıyorum." is the phrase used to express that you don't understand something in Turkish. This phrase can be used when someone is speaking too fast or when you encounter a word or phrase that is unfamiliar to you. The pronunciation of "Ben anlamıyorum." is [bɛn an.ˈla.mɯ.ˌjɔ.ɾum].

Turkish Pronunciation English Translation
Ben anlamıyorum. [bɛn an.ˈla.mɯ.ˌjɔ.ɾum] I don't understand.

Benim Türkçem çok iyi değil. (My Turkish is not very good.)[edit | edit source]

"Benim Türkçem çok iyi değil." is the phrase used to express that your Turkish language skills are not very good. This phrase can be used when apologizing for any language difficulties you may have or when seeking understanding from the person you are speaking with. The pronunciation of "Benim Türkçem çok iyi değil." is [bɛ.ˈnim tʰyɾk.ˈtʃɛm tʃok iˈji dɛ.ˈnil].

Turkish Pronunciation English Translation
Benim Türkçem çok iyi değil. [bɛ.ˈnim tʰyɾk.ˈtʃɛm tʃok iˈji dɛ.ˈnil] My Turkish is not very good.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Congratulations! You have learned some of the most common greetings and phrases used in Turkish. These phrases will help you navigate social interactions, make new friends, and engage in basic conversations. Remember to practice these greetings and phrases regularly to become more comfortable with the Turkish language. Keep exploring the fascinating world of Turkish culture and language, and soon you will be speaking Turkish like a pro!

Videos[edit | edit source]

Learn Turkish - Turkish in Three Minutes - Greetings - YouTube[edit | edit source]

Turkish Greetings: How to Say Hello in Turkish - YouTube[edit | edit source]

Learn Turkish Lesson 1 Greetings | Animated - YouTube[edit | edit source]

Sources[edit | edit source]

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