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Spanish Vocabulary - How to say "Good Bye"?

Hi Spanish learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn how to say "Good Bye" in Spanish. We will also learn some other useful phrases related to saying goodbye.

Don't miss the chance to check out these pages as you wrap up this lesson: Compliments & Cinema .

Words[edit | edit source]

Spanish Pronunciation English Translation
Adiós ah-dee-ohs Goodbye
Hasta luego ah-stah loo-eh-goh See you later
Hasta pronto ah-stah prohn-toh See you soon
Chau chow Bye
Nos vemos nohs veh-mohs See you
Cuídate kwee-ah-teh Take care

When saying goodbye in Spanish, it is important to remember that the phrase you use depends on the context and the relationship between the people involved. For example, if you are saying goodbye to a close friend, you might use the phrase "Hasta luego" or "Nos vemos". If you are saying goodbye to someone you don't know very well, you might use the phrase "Adiós" or "Chau".

It is also important to remember that the phrase "Cuídate" is used to express concern for the other person's wellbeing. This phrase can be used when saying goodbye to someone you care about.

Quiz[edit | edit source]

Test your knowledge of Spanish goodbyes with this quiz:

1. What is the Spanish word for "Goodbye"? A. Adiós B. Hasta luego C. Chau

2. What phrase would you use to say "See you soon" in Spanish? A. Adiós B. Hasta luego C. Hasta pronto

3. What phrase would you use to express concern for someone's wellbeing when saying goodbye? A. Adiós B. Hasta luego C. Cuídate

Answers: 1. A, 2. C, 3. C

➡ If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below.
➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

Videos[edit | edit source]

How to Say Goodbye in Spanish - Basic Spanish Phrases - YouTube[edit | edit source]

How To Say Good Morning in Spanish - YouTube[edit | edit source]

Other Lessons[edit | edit source]

Sources[edit | edit source]


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