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South Levantine Arabic Vocabulary - Drinks

Hi South Levantine Arabic learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn the vocabulary related to drinks in South Levantine Arabic. Drinks are important in Levantine culture, and they are often used to socialize with friends and family.

Don't hesitate to look into these other pages after completing this lesson: Useful phrases, Days of the Week, Fruits & Geography.

Basic Drinks[edit | edit source]

In this section, we will learn how to say the most basic drinks in South Levantine Arabic.

South Levantine Arabic Pronunciation English
مَاء māʾ Water
عَصير ʿaṣīr Juice
قَهْوة qahwa Coffee
شَاي shāy Tea

Here is a dialogue so you can see these words in context:

  • Person 1: هَلْ تُرِيدُ شَرْبَ قَهْوَةٍ؟ (Hal turīdu sharba qahwa? - Would you like to drink coffee?)
  • Person 2: لَا، شُكْرًا. أُرِيدُ شَايًا مَعَ نَشَاءٍ. (Lā, shukran. ʾurīdu shāyā maʿa našāʾin. - No, thank you. I would like tea with breakfast.)

Hot Drinks[edit | edit source]

In South Levantine Arabic culture, hot drinks are enjoyed year-round, especially during the winter months. Here are some essential words to describe hot beverages.

South Levantine Arabic Pronunciation English
قَهْوَة سَادة qahwat sāda Black coffee
قَهْوَة نَسْكَافِيه qahwat neskafeih Instant coffee
شَاي سَاخِن shāy sāḵin Hot tea
شَاي بِالنَّعْنَاع shāy bil naʿnāʾ Mint tea

Here is an example of how to use these words in a sentence:

  • Person 1: هَلْ تَفْضَلُ قَهْوَةً أَوْ شَايًا؟ (Hal tafḍalu qahwatan ʾaw shāya? - Would you like coffee or tea?)
  • Person 2: أُرِيدُ شَاي سَاخِنًا بِالنَّعْنَاعِ، مَعَ كَعْكٍ. (ʾurīdu shāy sāḵin bil naʿnāʾ, maʿa kaʿk. - I would like hot mint tea with a cake.)

Cold Drinks[edit | edit source]

South Levantine Arabic offers a variety of cold drinks that are perfect for a hot summer day. Let's learn some words related to cold drinks.

South Levantine Arabic Pronunciation English
مَاء مِعْدَنِيَّة māʾ miʿdaniyya Mineral water
بَيْبِسِي baybisi Pepsi
كُوكَاكُوْلَا kūkākūlā Coca-Cola
عَصير لِيْمُوْن ʿaṣīr līmūn Lemonade

Here is an example of how to use these words in a sentence:

  • Person 1: مَاذَا تُرِيدُ أَنْ تَشْرَبَ؟ (Maẓā turīdu ʾan tašrab? - What would you like to drink?)
  • Person 2: أُرِيدُ بَيْبِسِي. (ʾurīdu baybisi - I would like Pepsi.)

Alcoholic Drinks[edit | edit source]

In South Levantine Arabic culture, alcoholic drinks are not traditionally consumed, and they are often prohibited. However, in modern times, alcoholic drinks have become more widespread, and they are consumed by certain segments of the population. Here are some essential words for alcoholic drinks.

South Levantine Arabic Pronunciation English
بِيرَة birra Beer
نَبِيذ nabiḏ Wine
عَرَق ʿaraq Distilled alcoholic beverage
شَرَاب عَصَبِيَّة śarāb ʿaṣabiyya Mixed alcoholic beverage

Here is an example of how to use these words in a sentence:

  • Person 1: هَلْ تَسْتَطِيعُ تَنَاوُلُ الْكُحُولِ؟ (Hal tastatīʿu tanāwulu al-kuḥūl? - Can you consume alcohol?)
  • Person 2: لَا، لَا أَرْغَبُ فِي ذَلِكَ. (Lā, lā ʾarghabu fī ḏalik. - No, I am not interested in that.)

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

We hope you learned some new words about drinks in South Levantine Arabic! Remember to practice your vocabulary by talking to native speakers on Polyglot Club. You can also check out the South Levantine Arabic Vocabulary page for more words and phrases.

➡ If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below.
➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

Sources[edit | edit source]

Well done on mastering this lesson! Don't miss these related pages to expand your knowledge: Food, Say Hello and Greetings in South Levantine Arabic, Colors & Health.

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