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Slovak Vocabulary - Clothes

Hi Slovak learners! 😊
In this lesson, you will learn essential Slovak vocabulary related to clothes. Clothes are an important aspect of Slovak culture, with many traditional garments still worn today for special occasions such as weddings and folk festivals. Understanding Slovak clothing vocabulary can help you navigate shopping experiences and conversations about fashion. So, let's get started!

Consider broadening your understanding by checking out these related lessons: Shapes, Animal, Birthday & Numbers.

Basic Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

Let's start with some of the most basic Slovak vocabulary related to clothes:

Slovak Pronunciation English
šaty sha-tee dress
nohavice no-ha-vee-tse pants
tričko treech-ko T-shirt
topánky toh-pahn-kee shoes
kabát kah-baht coat
sveter sve-tehr sweater
bunda boon-dah jacket
šatka shaht-kah scarf
čiapka chyahp-kah hat
náhrdelník nah-r-dell-neek necklace

You may have noticed that some of these words look quite similar to their English counterparts. This is because Slovak and English share many roots, making it easier to learn related vocabulary.

Now, let's practice using these words in a dialogue:

  • Person 1: Mám nové šaty. (I have a new dress.)
  • Person 2: A ja mám nové nohavice. (And I have new pants.)

Additional Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

Now that we have covered the basics, let's move on to some additional vocabulary that may be useful when talking about clothes in Slovak:

Slovak Pronunciation English
blúzka bloo-shka blouse
džínsy jeensy jeans
kravata kra-va-ta tie
suknia soo-knya skirt
košeľa ko-shelya shirt
opasok oh-pa-sohk belt
hodinky ho-deen-kee watch
šperky shpehr-kee jewelry
rukavice roo-ka-vee-tse gloves
plavky plaf-kee swimsuit

Use these words in a dialogue with a friend:

  • Person 1: Kúpila som si novú sukňu. (I bought a new skirt.)
  • Person 2: A ja som si kúpil nové džínsy. (And I bought new jeans.)

Traditional Clothing[edit | edit source]

As mentioned earlier, Slovakia has a rich tradition of folk dress, with many regions having their own unique styles. While these styles are not commonly worn on a daily basis, traditional clothing is still an important part of Slovak culture and is often worn at weddings, festivals, and other special events.

One particularly iconic Slovak garment is the kroj, a decorative folk costume featuring colorful embroidery and ornate designs. The kroj is commonly worn with a white shirt, black boots, and often a red or black hat for men, while women may accessorize the kroj with a flower wreath or red ribbon in their hair.

Here are some words related to traditional Slovak clothing:

Slovak Pronunciation English
kroj kroy folk costume
živôtnik zhee-voh-tnik vest
kyry keer-ee embroidered apron
klobúk klo-boohk hat
náprsník nah-prs-neek decorative bib worn over the shirt

Now, let's practice some phrases related to traditional clothing with a dialogue:

  • Person 1: Videla som nádherný kroj na festivale. (I saw a beautiful folk costume at the festival.)
  • Person 2: Áno, bolo tam veľa živôtnikov a kyrov. (Yes, there were many vests and embroidered aprons.)

Shopping for Clothes[edit | edit source]

If you plan to go shopping in Slovakia, it can be helpful to know some basic vocabulary related to sizes and styles. Here are some words and phrases you may find useful:

Slovak Pronunciation English
veľkosť vell-kohsht size
malý mah-lee small
stredný strehd-nee medium
veľký vell-kee large
farebný fah-reb-nee colorful
jednofarebný yehd-noh-fah-reb-nee solid color
zaujímavý zow-yee-mah-vee interesting
módny mohd-nee fashionable
trendový tren-doh-vee trendy

Try using these words and phrases in a dialogue:

  • Person 1: Hľadám nový kabát. (I'm looking for a new coat.)
  • Person 2: Akú veľkosť potrebuješ? (What size do you need?)
  • Person 1: Strednú. Zaujíma ma jednofarebný kúsok. (Medium. I'm interested in a solid color piece.)

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Congratulations, you have now learned useful Slovak vocabulary related to clothes! To continue improving your Slovak language skills, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions you may have! You can also refer to the Vocabulary page for more word lists and practice exercises.

➡ If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below.
➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

Excellent job on conquering this lesson! Consider delving into these related pages: Idiomatic expressions, Slovak Vocabulary: Daily Activities and Routine, Free Time & Drinks.

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