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Romanian Vocabulary - Idiomatic expressions

Hi Romanian learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn some Romanian idiomatic expressions. Idioms are phrases or expressions whose meaning cannot be understood from the literal definition of the words. They add depth and color to the language, making it more interesting and fun to learn. So let's get started!

With the completion of this lesson, consider investigating these related pages: Greetings and Introductions & Basic Greetings.

What are idiomatic expressions?[edit | edit source]

Idiomatic expressions are groups of words that have a special meaning different from the meanings of the individual words. They are also called idioms or phrases. In many cases, idiomatic expressions cannot be translated directly into another language. Learning idioms can help you speak the language more fluently and impress native speakers. For example:

Romanian Pronunciation English
a da cuiva una caldă și una rece a da'kujva 'una 'kaldə ʃi 'una 'ret͡ʃe to give someone a warm one and a cold one
a face pe cineva cu ou și cu oțet a 'fat͡ʃe pe t͡ʃineva ku ʊ si ku 'ot͡set to treat someone with egg and vinegar
a da cuiva peste nas a da 'kujva 'peste nas to hit someone over the nose

In the examples above, the idiomatic expressions use images or situations to convey their meaning. They are typically used to describe a particular situation, feeling or action.

Common Romanian idiomatic expressions[edit | edit source]

Here are some common Romanian idiomatic expressions that will enhance your language skills and help you understand the culture better:

1. A ține cu dintii[edit | edit source]

Romanian Pronunciation English
a ține cu dintii a 't͡sine ku 'dint͡ʃij to hold on tight

This idiom means to hold on to something very tightly, even when it's difficult or painful. It can be used when talking about holding on to a belief, a goal, or a relationship.


  • Person 1: De ce nu renunți la această afacere? (Why don't you give up on this business?)
  • Person 2: Nu pot renunța. Țin cu dinții la visul meu. (I can't give up. I hold on tight to my dream.)

2. A se face că plouă[edit | edit source]

Romanian Pronunciation English
a se face că plouă a se 'fat͡ʃe kə 'plujə to act like it's raining

This idiom means to ignore or pretend that nothing is happening. It can be used when someone avoids a problem or an uncomfortable situation, like pretending not to hear what someone is saying.


  • Person 1: De ce nu răspunzi la mesajele mele? (Why don't you answer my messages?)
  • Person 2: Ce mesaje? Eu nu am primit nimic. (What messages? I haven't received anything.)
  • Person 1: Nu te mai face că plouă. (Don't act like it's raining. )

3. A face din țânțar armăsar[edit | edit source]

Romanian Pronunciation English
a face din țânțar armăsar a 'fat͡ʃe din 'tsɨnt͡sar ar'məsar to make a mountain out of a molehill

This idiom means to exaggerate or make a big deal out of a small problem. It can be used to describe someone who blows things out of proportion.


  • Person 1: Nu pot merge la petrecere pentru că nu am ce să îmbrac. (I can't go to the party because I don't have anything to wear.)
  • Person 2: Nu fi ridicol. Nu trebuie să faci din țânțar armăsar. (Don't be ridiculous. You don't have to make a mountain out of a molehill.)

4. A fi cu ochii în patru[edit | edit source]

Romanian Pronunciation English
a fi cu ochii în patru a fi ku 'ojj in 'patru to be on the lookout

This idiom means to be alert and watchful. It can be used to describe someone who is cautious or suspicious.


  • Person 1: Ai grijă la geantă, sunt hoți în zonă. (Be careful with your bag, there are thieves around.)
  • Person 2: Sunt cu ochii în patru. Nu o să-mi scape nimic. (I'm on the lookout. Nothing will escape my attention.)

5. A lovi doi iepuri dintr-un foc[edit | edit source]

Romanian Pronunciation English
a lovi doi iepuri dintr-un foc a 'lovi doj 'je̯puri 'dintr'un fok to kill two birds with one stone

This idiom means to accomplish two things at the same time. It can be used when someone wants to achieve multiple goals using a single action.


  • Person 1: Ce planuri ai pentru weekend? (What are your plans for the weekend?)
  • Person 2: Vreau să merg la sală și să fac cumpărături. (I want to go to the gym and do some shopping.)
  • Person 1: Poți să mergi dimineața la sală și apoi să te duci la cumpărături. În felul acesta, lovești doi iepuri dintr-un foc. (You can go to the gym in the morning and then go shopping. This way, you kill two birds with one stone.)

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Learning idiomatic expressions is an important part of mastering any language. They add personality, humor, and depth to conversations. Understanding idioms will also help you understand the culture and people who speak the language. Don't be afraid to use these expressions, even if they sound strange at first. Practice makes perfect.

To improve your Romanian Vocabulary, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!

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With this lesson finished, you may want to explore these additional pages: Describing Relationships & Science and Technology.

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