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Basic Phrases in Latin
Basic Phrases in Latin

Hello everybody,

In today's lesson you will learn some useful vocabulary about ¨BASIC PHRASES¨ in Latin

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After mastering this lesson, these related pages might interest you: Camping & Parts of the Body.

Basic Phrases in Latin[edit | edit source]





Hello (Good Day) Salve (Bonus dies) sahl veh (bou noos dih ehs) Olá (Bom dia)
How are you ?  Quid agis ? kou ih dah jihs ? E aí ?
I'm well.  Bene sum. beh neh soom tô bem
What is your name?  Quod nomen tibi est? kou ohd noh mehn tih bih ehst ? Qual seu nome?
My name is ... Meum nomen est ... meh oom noh mehn ehst ... Meu nome é...
Nice to meet you.  Vos noscere. vohs noh sheh reh Muito prazer!
Please.  Placere. plah cheh reh Por favor!
You're welcome Tu nimium grata tou nih mih oom grah tah De nada!
Yes.  Sic. seek Tá / sim
No.  No. noh Não
Excuse me.  Veniam in me. veh nih ahm ihn meh Com licença
I'm sorry.  Me paenitet. meh pah ih nih teht Desculpa!
I don´t speak


Non loquor


nohn loh kou ohr

lah tih neh

Eu não falo


Do you speak English?  Tu loqueris


tou loh kou eh rihs

ahn gloos ?

Você fala


Help! Adiuva ! ah dih ou vah ! Socorro!
Good morning Bonum mane boh noom mah neh Bom dia
Good afternoon Bona dies boh nah dih ehs Boa tarde
Good evening Bonum vesper ! boh noom vehs pehr Boa tarde
Good night bonum nocte boh noom nohk teh Boa noite
I don't understand Non intelligo nohn ihn tehl lih goh Eu não entendo
Where are

you from?



oon deh

veh nihs tihs ?

De onde

você é?

I am from ... Ego sum de ... eh goh soom deh ... Eu venho de...
Good luck! Bonus fortuna! boh noos fohr tou nah ! Boa sorte!

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