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Adverbs in Latin
Adverbs in Latin

Hello everybody,

In today's lesson you will learn some useful vocabulary about ¨ADVERBS¨ in Latin

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Happy learning ! :)

After mastering this lesson, these related pages might interest you: Education & Words and Expressions Latin.

Adverbs in Latin[edit | edit source]





Never numquam noon kou ahm Nunca
Sometimes interdum ihn tehr doom Ás vezes
Often sæpe sah ih peh Freqüentemente
Usually plerumque pleh room kou eh Usualmente
Seldom raro rah roh Raramente
Rarely raro rah roh Raramente
Normally normaliter nohr mah lih tehr Normalmente
Always semper sehm pehr Sempre
Last year ultimus annus ool tih moos ahn nous Ano passado
Last month ultimus mensis ool tih moos mehn sihs Mês passado
Last week ultima septimana ool tih mah sehp tih mah nah Semana Anterior
Yesterday heri eh rih Ontem
Today hodie hoh dih eh Hoje
Tomorrow cras krahs Amanhã
Later postea pohs teh ah Mais tarde
Soon mox mohks Em breve
Now nunc noohnk Agora
Tonight hac nocte ahk nohk teh Esta noite
Already iam yaam
Then tum toom Então
Here hic eek Aqui
There ibi ih bih
Far absit ahb seet Longe
Nearby prope proh peh Próximo
Inside interius ihn teh rih oos Lado de dentro
Outside foras foh rahs Lado de fora

Videos[edit | edit source]

Adverbs in Latin - YouTube[edit | edit source]

I Heart Latin // LESSON 9: Intro to Verbs and Interrogative Adverbs ...[edit | edit source]

Latin Adverb Formation - YouTube[edit | edit source]

Other Lessons[edit | edit source]


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