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Kirghiz Grammar - Pronouns

Hi Kirghiz learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will dive into the world of Kirghiz pronouns. Pronouns are a fundamental part of any language and can be quite tricky to master. Fortunately, with practice and a little bit of cultural knowledge, we'll have you speaking Kirghiz like a native in no time. Let's get started!

Consider broadening your understanding by checking out these related lessons: Subject Object Verb Order, Personal Pronouns, Comparative and Superlative & Possessive Pronouns.

Kirghiz Pronouns[edit | edit source]

Pronouns are words that replace nouns in a sentence. They help avoid repetition and make our speech more concise. In Kirghiz, pronouns are used frequently, and it's crucial to understand their usage. You can use the following table as a reference point for Kirghiz pronouns:

Kirghiz Pronunciation English
мен men I / me
сен sen You
ал al He / she / it
биз biz We / us
сиз siz You (plural or formal)
алар alar They / them

In Kirghiz, the singular pronouns can be used informally, while the plural forms or formal forms are used professionally or when addressing someone respectfully. For instance, it is common to use "men" for "I" and "sen" for "you" with friends and family members, while using "biz" and "siz" when communicating with strangers or superiors in the workplace.

One thing to keep in mind when using pronouns is that Kirghiz places a heavy emphasis on gender. If you are referring to a person, you must use the correct pronoun for their gender. For example, "al" would be used for a male, while "al" with a suffix "-a" would be used for a female.

Here is an example dialogue so you can see Kirghiz pronouns in context:

  • Жениш: Саламатсың! Мен Женишмин. (Salamatsyŋ! Men Jenišmin.)
  • Айдана: Мен Айданамын. (Men Aydanamyn.)
  • Жениш: Сен кимсиң? (Sen kimsiŋ?)
  • Айдана: Мен Айданамын. Сен кандайсың? (Men Aydanamyn. Sen kandaisyŋ?)
  • Жениш: Мен үйде күнөөлүм. Алде кандай айрылыштар бар? (Men üyde künöölüm. Alde kandai ajrylyştar bar?)
  • Айдана: Ал Америкадасыз, анда жашайт. (Al Amerikadasyz, anda jaşait.)


  • Jenish: Hello! I am Jenish.
  • Aydana: I am Aydana.
  • Jenish: Who are you?
  • Aydana: I am Aydana. Who are you?
  • Jenish: I am at home today. Do you have any plans for today?
  • Aydana: He lives in America.

Possessive Pronouns[edit | edit source]

Possessive pronouns demonstrate ownership or possession of an object or a subject. They can be either adjectives or pronouns, depending on their usage. The following Kirghiz table provides a reference for typical possessive pronouns:

Kirghiz Pronunciation English
Менин Menin Mine
Сенин Senin Yours (singular informal)
Алдынндагы Aldyndagy His / Hers / Its
Биздин Bizdin Ours
Сиздин Sizdin Yours (plural or formal)
Алардын Alardyn Theirs

Possessive pronouns can help emphasize the possession of an object or a subject as well as determine the ownership of people and places. Moreover, possessive pronouns in Kirghiz can be formed by adding "-nin" at the end of the pronouns or nouns (referring to people). For example, "senin" means "yours (singular informal)," which is derived from "sen" for "you." Likewise, "kitap" means book, and "kitabym" means "my book."

Here is an example dialogue using Kirghiz possessive pronouns:

  • Жениш: Бул китаб сенин болтун сыртпалы. (Bul kitab senin boltun syrtpaly.)
  • Айдана: Биздин текшерүүчү почта туруп алып кетти. (Bizdin teksheeruuchu pochta turup alyp ketti.)
  • Жениш: Менин жомоктуура келген байланышым керек. (Menin žomoktuura kelgen baylanyšym kerek.)
  • Айдана: Сенин рабочий жактан туруп алалыңыз. (Senin rabočij žaktan turup alalyŋyz.)


  • Jenish: This book is behind you.
  • Aydana: Our postman already picked it up.
  • Jenish: I need to contact my colleague.
  • Aydana: You can get it from your workplace.

Practice Makes Perfect[edit | edit source]

As with any skill, practice makes perfect. To improve your Kirghiz pronouns, you can use Polyglot Club. Find native speakers and ask them any questions about pronouns or any other Kirghiz linguistic subjects. Don't forget to visit our Kirghiz [Language/Kirghiz/Grammar|grammar] page to improve your overall knowledge of the Kirghiz language. Kirghiz pronouns can be tricky, but mastering them will help you communicate more confidently with native speakers of the language.

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