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Javanese Vocabulary - Colors

Hi Javanese learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn about colors in Javanese language. Colors are an essential part of life, and every language has a different way of expressing them. Knowing colors in Javanese will help you to communicate with locals, describing your preferences and things around you. So, let's get started! 🚀

With the completion of this lesson, consider investigating these related pages:Fruits, Count from 1 to 10, How to say Good Bye? & Family.

Basic Colors[edit | edit source]

Let's begin with the six basic colors in Javanese.

Javanese Pronunciation English
abang a*bang* red
kuning *ku*-ning yellow
hijau hi*jau* green
biru bi*ru* blue
ungu un*gu* purple
ijo *i*-jo dark green

Did you know that the word 'abang' in Javanese is not only used for the color red but also as a term of endearment? For example, a father will often call his son 'abang' as an expression of love.

Neutral Colors[edit | edit source]

Next, we will learn about some neutral colors in Javanese.

Javanese Pronunciation English
putih *pu*-tih white
hitam hi*tam* black
kelabu ke*la*-bu gray
coklat co*klat* brown

The word 'coklat' is borrowed from Dutch. In Indonesia, people mostly use that term to describe the color brown. Alternatively, in Javanese, we also call it 'kemlath' or 'kemlèt,' derived from the Sanskrit word 'kāpilā.'

Advanced Colors[edit | edit source]

Finally, let's explore some advanced colors in Javanese.

Javanese Pronunciation English
abu-abu a*bu*-a*bu* ash gray
biru langit bi*ru* lan*git* sky blue
tosca *to*-sca turquoise
magenta ma*gent*-a magenta

Fun fact: Do you know that the word 'tosca' is an abbreviation of 'turquoise-scandal'? In the 1930s, when the color became popular in Europe, it was considered scandalous. Therefore, the name 'scandal' was added to the color name.

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

To better understand how to use the colors, let's create a dialogue:

  • Person 1: "Aku suka baju merah." (I like the red shirt.)
  • Person 2: "Kenapa tidak kuning? Kuning lebih cerah." (Why not yellow? It's brighter.)
  • Person 1: "Aku lebih suka hijau." (I prefer green.)

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Congratulations! Now you have learned the Javanese vocabulary for colors. Remember that to master a language, you need to keep practicing. You can use the Polyglot Club website to find native speakers and ask them any questions. Don't forget to check out the Javanese Vocabulary category for more words to learn.

➡ If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below.
➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

Great work on completing this lesson! Take a moment to investigate these connected pages:How to Say Goodbye in Javanese, Say Hello and Greetings in Javanese, Animals & Feelings and Emotions.

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