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Javanese Vocabulary - Education

Hi Javanese learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn some useful vocabulary related to education in Javanese language. Education is essential for personal development and growth, and it is no different in the Javanese culture. Therefore, learning the vocabulary related to education can help you enrich your knowledge and have meaningful conversations with Javanese native speakers. Don't forget, to improve your Javanese Vocabulary, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!

Talking about School and University[edit | edit source]

Whether you are a student, a teacher, or a parent, here's some useful vocabulary that may come in handy when talking about school and university-related topics.

Javanese Pronunciation English
Sekolah /sə'ko:wah/ School
Sastra /sas'tra/ Literature
Bahasa Inggris /ba'hasa ing'gris/ English Language
Universitas /univərsi'tas/ University
Mahasiswa /mahasis'wa/ College Student
Pelajaran /pəlaja'ran/ Subject
Matematika /mata'matika/ Mathematics


  • Person 1: Apa yang kamu pelajari di Sekolah? (What do you learn at school?)
  • Person 2: Saya sedang belajar Sastra dan Bahasa Inggris. (I am currently learning Literature and English.)

Degrees and Majors[edit | edit source]

Here's how you can talk like a pro about your degrees and majors in Javanese language.

Javanese Pronunciation English
Sarjana /sər'jana/ Bachelor's degree
Gelar /gəlar/ Degree
Jurusan /djuru'san/ Major (in college)
Diploma /di'ploma/ Diploma
Pasca Sarjana /'pasca sər'jana/ Postgraduate degree


  • Person 1: Kamu sudah memiliki gelar apa? (What degree do you have?)
  • Person 2: Saya sudah memiliki gelar Sarjana di Jurusan Teknik Kimia. (I already have a Bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering.)

Talking about Teachers and Professors[edit | edit source]

Teachers and professors play a vital role in the education system. Here's how to talk about them in Javanese.

Javanese Pronunciation English
Guru /gu'ru/ Teacher
Dosen /do'sn/ University Professor
Pengajar /pəngadjar/ Instructor


  • Person 1: Apa pendapatmu tentang Guru Bahasa Inggrismu? (What do you think about your English Teacher?)
  • Person 2: Saya pikir Guru Bahasa Inggrisku sangat fantastis. (I think my English Teacher is fantastic.)

Talking about Study Habits[edit | edit source]

Good study habits can help students achieve better academic success. Here are some words and phrases that will help you talk about study habits in Javanese.

Javanese Pronunciation English
Belajar /bəla'jar/ To Study
Buku /buku/ Book
Menghafal /mənghafal/ To Memorize
Mengulang /məngulaŋ/ To Repeat
Mengerjakan PR /məŋər'dʒakan PR/ To Do Homework


  • Person 1: Kamu punya kebiasaan belajar yang baik? (Do you have good study habits?)
  • Person 2: Saya suka menghafal buku dan mengulang materi. Saya juga selalu mengerjakan PR sedikit-sedikit setiap hari. (I like to memorize books and repeat the material. I also always do my homework little by little every day.)

Talking about Exams[edit | edit source]

Exams are a part of every student's life. Here's a list of words and phrases you can use to talk about exams.

Javanese Pronunciation English
Ujian /ud'ʒiyan/ Exam
Nilai /nɪ'lai/ Grade
Nilai Akhir /nɪ'lai ak'hir/ Final Grade
Lulus /lə'lu:s/ Pass (an exam)
Tidak Lulus /ti'dak lə'lu:s/ Fail (an exam)


  • Person 1: Bagaimana Ujian Matematikamu? (How was your Math Exam?)
  • Person 2: Saya mendapatkan nilai B untuk Ujian Matematika, jadi saya lolos. (I got a B grade for the Math Exam, so I passed.)

Talking about Graduation[edit | edit source]

Graduation is one of the essential milestones in every student's life. Here are some words and phrases that will help you talk about graduation in Javanese.

Javanese Pronunciation English
Wisuda /wə'suda/ Graduation
Sertifikat /sərtifi'kat/ Certificate
Toga /toga/ Graduation Gown
Diplo ma /di'ploma/ Diploma
Pidato /pi'dato/ Graduation Speech


  • Person 1: Kamu akan Wisuda kapan? (When are you going to graduate?)
  • Person 2: Saya akan wisuda tahun depan. Saya sangat senang mendapatkan Sertifikat dan Diploma. (I will graduate next year. I am very happy to receive the Certificate and Diploma.)

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