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Parts of the body in Indonesian
Parts of the body in Indonesian

Hello everybody,

In today's lesson you will learn some useful vocabulary about ¨PARTS OF THE BODY¨ in Indonesian

Feel free to edit this page by adding new words and expressions !

Happy learning ! :)

Take some time to dive into these other pages after completing this lesson: Seasons & Idiomatic Expressions.

Parts of the body in Indonesian[edit | edit source]





The hairs Rambutnya rahm boot nyah Os cabelos
The head Kepala keh pah lah A cabeça
The ear Telinga teh lihn gah A orelha
The eye Mata mah tah O olho
The nose Hidung hih doon O nariz
The mouth Mulut mou loo A boca
The tooth Gigi gih gih O dente
The tongue




lih dahH

(ohr gahn)

A língua


The fingernail Kuku kou kou A unha
The foot Kaki kah kih O pé
The leg Kaki kah kih A perna
The knee Lutut lou too O joelho
The hand Tangan tahn gahn A mão
The neck Leher leh hehr O pescoço
The back Bagian belakang bah gih ahn beh lah kahn As costas
The heart Jantung jahn toon O coração
The forehead Dahi dah hih A testa

Videos[edit | edit source]

Learn Body Parts in Indonesian Language - YouTube[edit | edit source]

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