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Asking Directions in Indonesian
Asking Directions in Indonesian

Hello everybody,

In today's lesson you will learn some useful vocabulary about ¨ASKING DIRECTIONS¨ in Indonesian

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Finish this lesson and explore these related pages: Greetings and Introductions & Problems in Indonesian.

Asking Directions in Indonesian[edit | edit source]

How do I arrive to ...?  Bagaimana saya

sampai ke ...?

bah gah ih mah nah sah yah

sahm pie keh ...  ?

... downtown?  ... pusat kota? ...pou saht koh tah
left side sisi kiri sih sih kih rih
right side sisi kanan sih sih kah nahn
straight ahead  lurus kedepan lou roos keh deh pahn
towards the forest menuju hutan meh nou jou hou tahn
before the ... sebelum ... seh beh loom ...
watch for the ... perhatikan ... pehr hah tih kahn
north  utara ou tah rah
south  Selatan seh lah tahn
east  timur tih moor
west  Barat bah rah
on the mountains di pegunungan dih peh gou noon gahn
besides of the hotel selain hotel seh lah ihn hoh tehl

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Use the vocabulary above in context. Study this dialogue:

Person 1: Permisi, maaf saya tidak tahu cara sampai ke pusat kota. Bagaimana saya sampai ke sana? (Excuse me, I don't know how to get to downtown. How do I get there?)

Person 2: Tidak apa-apa. Untuk sampai ke pusat kota, kamu harus menuju ke arah... (It's okay. To get to downtown, you have to head towards the...)

Person 1: Apa saya harus belok kiri atau kanan? (Do I need to turn left or right?)

Person 2: Kalau dari sini, kamu harus belok kanan di persimpangan pertama dan kemudian lurus terus. (If you're coming from here, you need to turn right at the first intersection and then go straight.)

Person 1: Baik, terima kasih. Kalau saya mau ke hutan, bagaimana caranya? (Okay, thank you. If I want to go to the forest, how do I get there?)

Person 2: Kamu harus terus lurus sampai kamu menemukan persimpangan tiga, kemudian belok kiri. Hutan akan ada di sebelah kananmu. (You need to keep going straight until you reach a three-way intersection, then turn left. The forest will be on your right side.)

Person 1: Oh, terima kasih banyak. Sebelum hutan, apakah ada tempat lain yang harus saya perhatikan? (Oh, thank you very much. Before the forest, is there any other place that I should watch for?)

Person 2: Ya, sebelum hutan, kamu harus berhati-hati di jalan yang berkelok-kelok. (Yes, before the forest, you should be careful on the winding road.)

Person 1: Saya mengerti. Kalau saya mau ke pegunungan, bagaimana caranya? (I understand. If I want to go to the mountains, how do I get there?)

Person 2: Kamu harus belok kanan di persimpangan utama, kemudian terus lurus sampai kamu sampai di pegunungan. (You need to turn right at the main intersection, then keep going straight until you reach the mountains.)

Person 1: Baik, terima kasih banyak. (Okay, thank you very much.)

Person 2: Sama-sama. (You're welcome.)

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