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Environment in Indonesian

Hello everybody,

Welcome to today's lesson where you will learn some essential Indonesian vocabulary related to the ¨ENVIRONMENT¨. As an experienced Indonesian language teacher, I encourage you to actively participate and feel free to edit this page by adding new words and expressions!

After mastering the environment vocabulary, you might also be interested in exploring other related topics such as Indonesian Vocabulary - Seasons, Indonesian Vocabulary - Math, and Feelings and Emotions in Indonesian. 📚🌏

Enjoy your learning journey and let's dive into the world of Indonesian vocabulary! 😊

Environment in Indonesian[edit | edit source]

Let's enrich our vocabulary about the environment in Bahasa and its translation into English and French.

English French Indonesian
a bush un arbuste semak
a cloud un nuage awan
a flower une fleur bunga
a garden un jardin taman
a glacier un glacier gletser
a lake un lac danau
a leaf une feuille daun
a mountain une montagne gunung
a plant une plante tanaman
a pond un étang kolam
a resource une ressource sumber daya
a river une rivière sungai
a storm une tempête badai
a tree un arbre pohon
a valley une vallé, un val lembah
a vegetable une légume sayur
biofuels les biocarburants bahan bakar hayati
burning la combustion pembakaran
C02 emissions les émissions de CO2 emisi CO2
carbon monoxide le monoxyde de carbone karbon monoksida
clean energy les énergies propres energi bersih
coal le charbon batu bara
constraints/constrain les contraintres/contraindre kendala
crop la récolte tanaman
cutting down forests la


menebang hutan
decrease/increase réduire/augmenter menurun / meningkat
deforestation la déforestation penggundulan hutan
drought la sécheresse kekeringan
earth, the land la terre tanah
ecology l'écologie ekologi
fires les incendies api
flock/herd le troupeau domba
floods les inondations banjir
glass le verre es
global warming le réchauffement de la terre pemanasan global
grass l'herbe rumput
green vert/verte hijau
growth la croissance pertumbuhan
high rise buildings/built-up areas les agglomérations bangunan tinggi
natural naturel/naturelle alami
nature la nature alam
organic organique organik
oxygen l'oxygène (f.) oksigen
plastic le plastique plastik
pollution la pollution polusi
rainforest la forêt pluviale/tropicale hutan hujan
recycling le recyclage daur ulang
renewable renouvelable terbarukan
solar panels les panneaux photovoltaïques panel surya
starvation la famine kelaparan
the atmosphere l'atmosphère (m.) atmosfer
the beach la plage pantai
the countryside la campagne pedesaan
the effets/impact les effets/l'impact efek / imbas
the environment l'envrionnement lingkungan hidup
the forest la forêt hutan
the ground, soil le sol tanah
the landscape le paysage pemandangan
the marsh, swamp le marais rawa
the ocean l'océan (m.) samudera
the ozone layer la couche d'ozone lapisan ozon
the sea la mer laut
the tide la marée air pasang
the world le monde dunia
to emit émettre memancarkan
to freeze geler membeku
to melt fondre mencair
to plant, to sow semer menanam, menabur
to pollute polluer mencemari
to recycle recycler mendaur ulang
to reduce réduire mengurangi
to reuse réutiliser menggunakan kembali
to waste gaspiller membuang
water l'eau (f.) air

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