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Halh Mongolian Grammar - Nouns

Hi Halh Mongolian learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will dive into Halh Mongolian nouns. Nouns are words that represent people, animals, things, and ideas. We will discuss the grammar rules of nouns and provide examples to better understand them. Don't forget to use Find native speakers and ask them any questions you may have! You can also check out other Grammar lessons to improve your understanding of the language.

Noun Types[edit | edit source]

There are two types of nouns in Halh Mongolian: common nouns and proper nouns.

Common Nouns are general names given to a person, animal, or thing. They are not capitalized unless they come at the beginning of the sentence.

Proper Nouns are the specific name given to a person, place, or thing. They are always capitalized.

Here are some examples:

Common Noun Proper Noun
ногоо (noh-goh) Байкал (bai-kal)
хүү (hüü) Ганданхүү (gandan-hüü)
газар (gazar) Баянзүрх (bayan-zürkh)

Gender of Nouns[edit | edit source]

In Halh Mongolian, nouns do not have gender, rather they are classified by their "animacy". There are two categories: animate and inanimate. An animate noun is a noun that represents a living thing such as people or animals. Inanimate nouns represent non-living things such as objects.

Here are some examples:

Animate Noun Inanimate Noun
хүүхэд (hüü-khed) гэр (ger)
морь (mor) машин (mashin)
хонь (hon) сум (sum)

Number of Nouns[edit | edit source]

The Halh Mongolian language has two numbers: singular and plural. Singular refers to one item and plural refers to more than one item. To make a noun plural, the suffix "-ууд" (-uud) is added.

Here are some examples:

Singular Noun Plural Noun
ногоо (noh-goh) ногоонууд (noh-goh-nuud)
хүү (hüü) хүүүд (hüüüd)
газар (gazar) газрууд (gazruud)

Cases of Nouns[edit | edit source]

In Halh Mongolian, nouns have six cases: nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, ablative, and allative. Each case serves a different function in the sentence.

Nominative Case[edit | edit source]

The nominative case is used when a noun is in its basic form and is the subject of the sentence.


  • Хүүхэд тавагнасаа тэмдэглэдэг. (Hüükhed tavagnasaa temdegledeeg.) - Children write with a pencil.

In this sentence, хүүхэд (hüükhed) is in the nominative case because it is in its basic form and is the subject of the sentence.

Genitive Case[edit | edit source]

The genitive case is used to express possession or to show what noun something belongs to.


  • Миний гэр. (Minii ger.) - My house.
  • Хатан миний нутагт. (Khatan minii nutagt.) - The wife is from my country.

In the first sentence, гэр (ger) is in the genitive case because it is showing possession. In the second sentence, нутаг (nutag) is in the genitive case because it is showing belonging to "my country".

Dative Case[edit | edit source]

The dative case is used to indicate the recipient of an action or the indirect object of the sentence.


  • Би нууцыг хүргэж байна. (Bi nuutsyg hürgenzh baina.) - I am delivering the mail.
  • Би найзтайгаа зуучлахаа хүсч байна. (Bi naiztaigaa zuuchlakhaa hüsch baina.) - I want to travel with my friend.

In the first sentence, нууц (nuuts) is in the dative case because it is the recipient of the action "delivering". In the second sentence, найз (naiz) is in the dative case because it is indicating who the speaker wants to travel with.

Accusative Case[edit | edit source]

The accusative case is used to indicate the direct object of the sentence.


  • Бачгынг баривчлах шаардлагагүй юм. (Bachgynng barivchlakh shaardlagagüi yum.) - I don't need a tutor.
  • Тэр найзыг татаж авлаа. (Ter naizyg tatash avlaa.) - She caught her friend.

In the first sentence, бачгын (bachgyn) is in the accusative case because it is the direct object of the sentence. In the second sentence, найз (naiz) is in the accusative case because it is the object that was caught.

Ablative Case[edit | edit source]

The ablative case is used to indicate motion away from something.


  • Би ажиллахаа хотноос зайлсхийж байна. (Bi ajillakhaa hotnoos zailskhij baina.) - I am commuting to work from the city.
  • Гэрийнхээ суурьаас гарах. (Geriinhii suuraaas garakh.) - To leave home.

In the first sentence, хот (hot) is in the ablative case because it indicates the motion away from the city. In the second sentence, суурь (suur) is in the ablative case because it represents the starting point of the motion "leaving home".

Allative Case[edit | edit source]

The allative case is used to indicate motion towards something or someone.


  • Хэнд уулзнаа өгөөч. (Khen'd uulznaa ögööch.) - I will give it to him.
  • Хоолны саван ресторан рүү яв. (Khoolny savan restoran rüü yav.) - Go to the restaurant for lunch.

In the first sentence, хэн (khen) is in the allative case because it indicates the motion towards him. In the second sentence, ресторан (restoran) is in the allative case because it represents the destination of the motion "going to the restaurant".

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Person 1: Сараа ямар зууштай вэ? (Saraa yamar zuushtai ve?) - What's your favorite food? Person 2: Нам ямар чинь зууштайгүй. (Nam yamar chin zuushtaigui.) - I don't have a favorite food.

Sources[edit | edit source]

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