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Parts of the body in Extremaduran
Parts of the body in Extremaduran

Hello everybody,

In today's lesson you will learn some useful vocabulary about ¨PARTS OF THE BODY¨ in Extremaduran

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Happy learning ! :)

Take a moment to explore these relevant pages as you conclude this lesson: Alphabet and Pronunciation, Adjectives in Extremaduran & People in Extremaduran.

Parts of the body in Extremaduran[edit | edit source]

The hairs El cabellu ehl cah bahl lou Os cabelos
The head La cabeza la kah beh zah A cabeça
The ear L`oreja loh reh hah A orelha
The eye L`ojo loh hoh O olho
The nose La nariz lah nah rihz O nariz
The mouth La boca lah boh kah A boca
The tooth El diente (Spanish) ehl dih ehn teh O dente
The tongue


La lingua lah lihn gou ah A língua


The fingernail L`uña (Spanish) lou nyah A unha
The foot El pie ehl pih eh O pé
The leg La pierna lah pih ehr nah A perna
The knee La rodilla (Spanish) lah roh dihl lah O joelho
The hand La manu lah mah nou A mão
The neck El cuello (Spanish) ehl kou ehl loh O pescoço
The back La espalda lah ehs pahl dah As costas
The heart El corazón ehl koh rah zohn O coração
The forehead La frenti lah frehn tih A testa

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